
Advertising on television- Is it good or bad?

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commercials, tv shows, etc...

are they good or bad since they set the trends that teens pick up like smoking, baggy pants, etc.




  1. Advertising on TV is irrelevant. It pays for the programming and operation of the TV station. Otherwise there is only donation or tax money funded TV. Without it there is nothing to watch.

    Advertising DOES NOT set trends. Advertising's influence is only effective if the consumer permits it. It is the consumer that accepts the claim or attraction of the advertisement.

    Teens don't pick up smoking from TV. In most cases a person smoking on TV is not permitted. Teens pick up smoking from their peers and parents.

    And it isn't only teens. People of all ages are subject to the influence of advertising.

    Parenting, logic, reason, and common sense are all that we need to deal with advertisements.

  2. Depends on what they are advertising.

  3. Television shows and advertisements may help set trends, but it is up to the parents to instill the values that SHOULD stay with their kids forever.  There is a ton of filth on TV, but that is my opinion.  What I find acceptable or dirty is not everyones interpretation and it is not my place to enforce my beliefs on others by banning TV or commercials.  With that in mind, it is my job to teach my kids about the dangers of smoking, drugs and so forth and help guild them towards positive trends.

    A TV show cannot be a bad example for my kids if they are not blindly allowed to watch it and have no instruction from the parent.  I guess I am simply tired of people, parent's mostly, pointing the fingers at everything but themselves and blaming TV and commercials.

  4. I hate those info commercials especially Bill Mays. The commercials that get loud also are a pain.

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