
Advertising techniques- Link me to commercials which have this advertising technique in it, please? >.<?

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Advertising techniques- Link me to commercials which have this advertising technique in it, please? >.<

I need to find four commercials/ads (advertising real products) for my literature class... and I can't think of any! Mostly because I don't watch much tv rofl.

Please help me find a few ? D:

I need to find ones which include this advertising technique:

-Appeal to Emotions- Connecting with emotions for the purposes of influencing an audience in thought or action.. such as loyalty, pity, fear, freedom, and love.

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!




  1. here is a 30 sec ad from Mothers against drunk driving MADD

    search youtube for

    madd mothers against drunk driving

    ad appeal to fear, danger

    message: be afraid to drive drunk

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