
Advertising the cheap way

by  |  earlier

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i need ways to advertise that are cheap or free... i am extremely limited on money right now... (im only 14) but i have a pretty good used business for my age.... I own a site that gets alot of views for my age, so please is there anything cheap or free?




  1. Graffiti, message boards, blog sites.

    Have a valid reason for presenting your business so it doesn't come across as spam.

  2. set up a myspace with your business explaining your services, then do some w***e trains and your site will have hundreds of thousands of views in a matter of days. takes some work but thats how i started advertising my business

  3. It depends on what your product/service is...

    You can get some cheap business cards or stickers or pens, etc.. from  When I was your age, I LOVED pens!

    You could also ask if you can do some work for local churches or groups who send out newsletters - if you work in their office twice a month, they will put an ad in their newsletter for you (or something like that).  They would likely have a mailing list of kids as well - you could trade their list for your work.

    You could also try local radio or TV stations to get help producing any ads that you want to use (to use on your website or for them to use as a community service announcement?)

    If you do something like babysitting or dog grooming - go to local day care centers or parks and talk to people who you might like for customers.

    Contact your local Junior Achievement organization - they would probably be a VERY GOOD resource for ideas and possibly help (they may even take on your idea and get their participants to work on a business model).

    Good Luck with your endeavors!

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