
Advice, travel buddies?? Anyone interested in going travelling or know where I can find travel buddies?

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Ok, I'm 24 and am planning a world tour in May/June 2009. I have the usual sob story where my mates are all settled, in jobs etc etc but I don't want to give up my dreams of travelling the world! I certainly don't want to go on my own and am looking for travel buddies. Do you know of any sites where I can advertise? Or if you are genuinely interested, please get in touch! I want to have a small mixed group and visit 5 continents!!! lol If you are interested, email me and I'll let you know where I'm planning on going. Thank you for your answers!!





    Both of these sites should help you with your trip.  But please please PLEASE at least consider going solo! Why do you certainly not want to go on your own? Speaking from personal experience going solo is the only way to guarantee you won't be tethered to someone who may not want to go the same places that you do/engage in the same activities, etc. And I promise you will meet LOADS of people, some you will get along with better than others. The benefit is also that if you stop getting on then you can go your separate ways with no hard feelings. I am a very dedicated solo traveler and my absolute best friends in the world are people I have met while traveling solo. I'm generally on the shy side and even I have managed to get into loads of mischief with awesome people all over the world. I'm not trying to tell you what to do but perhaps it would serve you well to do a google search for stories from people who have traveled solo. The small mixed group you seek will surely develop as you go and you will invariably exchange old members for new members as you go from continent to continent, You may find yourself solo every now and then, but if you're traveling with the same bunch for a while you will likely crave some alone time after a while. I've never been able to travel with the same person for more than a month at a time. Plus, it's often easier to meet other travelers ::cough cough:: hot Indiana Jones types::cough cough:: when you go solo.

    I highly recommend it!  And if you're coming to Vietnam you should look me up. We'll go get pissssed! I should still be here by then ;)

    P.S: May I suggest saving Australia for last? You are bound to meet TONS of Aussies (wherever the heck you go) and the ones you get on with will likely want you to come visit. Can you accommodation?

  2. Hey, I might be interested in joining you, at least for part of it. I graduate in summer 2009, and definatly plan on doing some travelling, but not sure how much cash I'll have saved up by then. Send me an email though and we can chat -

  3. Hey there, I have a similar problem with all my friends "settling down"!!! I probably should have done it earlier, (I'm 23 now) but oh well! Any way I've been looking into it too and found this site called thats for solo travellers - only just started checking it out but it looks pretty good.

    PS. will email you!!!


  4. Not sure if would help you. This is about making new friends and travelling.

  5. I just started traveling last year, and I used EF College Break. They were really good and they take care of all the details for you. You travel with a group, but there is LOTS of on your own time. You meet people from all over, mainly college students and graduated though. All you pay for is lunch and dinner, since the package tour includes round trip airfare and hotels and a tour director. So it was pretty cool that I did not have to worry about anything and just have fun. You should check it out. I think its only for people 18-26 though since it is a student subsidized travel thing. So basically, you do the tourist thing one morning with them, and then you are free to explore and experience. Oh, and if you decide to use them I recently got a promo code for them at this fair. it is HESSELN1188 and it saves you at least an extra $100. What you can do is opt for staying behind, and then use their ticket to travel to your next destination. Or you can opt for the 'ground only' tour which does not include airfare. You should see if it works for you. I had lots of fun on my trip. (I went to France!) You just book online. Um, just google ef college break and you should find it. Its the cheapest way to travel, I've found so far-and I've looked for a long time.

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