
Advice! Not turning up for a plane flight! Will there be charges?

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Advice! Not turning up for a plane flight! Will there be charges?

Advice! Not turning up for a p;lane flight! Will there be charges?

Hello. I am about to book a 2p flight with ryanair for the end of June. If i do not make the flight because I cannot go on that day, will I end up being charged by ryanair for 'wasting a seat'.

Responces required immediately thanks!




  1. Need to see if your ticket is refundable upon cancellation.  If it's non-refundable/changeable you just ate that fare.

    Airlines routinely overbook, so "wasting a seat" isn't really likely.

  2. after you buy a ticket?

    you may be stuck for the full price. Read the fine print.

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