
Advice about Leg Cramps?

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Today I had 6 leg cramps (2 in my calf's, and 4 in my quads) after playing to games of soccer in a row in 93 degree temp. I was completely hydrated throughout the day though. They hurt so much that I could not walk. Does anyone have any advice so this wont happen again.




  1. More than likely you are STILL dehydrated.  Drink water until your urine is nearly colorless, then you will know for a fact that you are fully hydrated.  That is truly the best measure of hydration.  

    Did you play soccer all day, drinking water the whole time, yet still did not need to pee?  That's a sign that you are dehydrated.

    Calcium (I know, everyone thinks Potassium, but trust me here) is also key to treating leg cramps.  Avoid soda too, while you are having this problem.

    If I were in your soccer shoes, I'd drink a whole lot of water and maybe an electrolyte replacement drink (ie: gatoraid) and take a calcium supplement.

    I'm including a link to one of my articles that explains it a bit better than I have here.


  2. Hydrate yourself starting 2 hours prior to the match.

    Warm up for at least 10 minutes.

    Hydrate yourself with re hydration beverages, not water, 2 oz max during half time.

    Cool down for 10 minutes minimum.

    Do it in that exact order, then read this,


    Weigh yourself before and after a match.

    See how much you have lost in ounces, after the match.

    Add how much water in ounces you consumed during  the match.

    The final number you get (in ounces) is what you must replace by drinking.

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