
Advice about nose piercing..?

by  |  earlier

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I'm thinking about getting my nose pierced. Does it hurt? I've got my ears pierced, and my belly. For those who have belly and nose pierced what hurt the most? Can nose piercings reject easily? In your opinion is a nose piercing s**y, S****y, cute? weird? etc.. Thanks




  1. It hurts - lol - it is a needle being jammed through a part of your body - as you know from you other piercings - so no reason pretending it doesnt! But like the other piercings - its the jab and then the hot flash as the jewlery goes through - and then its over and the healing begins - I'd say if you have your bellybutton done - getting your nose pierced should be fine and within your pain threshold - nose piercings once they're kept clean and your hands away from them!! Heal very quickly and neatly. Go to a (clean) and reputable piercer in your area to have it done - and afterwards follow the exact aftercare that they give you for that piercing as aftercares do vary. If you go to they have a user-submitted gallery of pictures and stories for all piercings possible - I read this inside and out before I got my nipples done - lol - very reassuring to hear all the experiences (good and bad!) before getting it done - felt very informed and less afraid/nervous of the what-if's and the unknowns - so again Reputable piercer & follow the after care exactly and you'll have a funky new piercing to flaunt!

    Good luck!!

  2. I've got a really high pain tolerance, so it didn't hurt me at all.  It also heals relatively quickly and is easy to clean.  The nose piercing doesn't reject as easy as the bellybutton and such because like your earlobe there is a definite in and out.  When you pierce something that is two sided it's less likely to reject.

    I like my nose piercing, but whether it looks cute or gross really depends on the individual.  It doesn't look good on everyone.

    And just so you know, when you get older if you decide to take it out it's likely that it'll close since the hole is so small and even if it doesn't it's not noticeable.  I have to take mine out for work and most of my co-workers ask me if I just got it pierced when I come in on my days off with my jewelry in.

  3. nose percing.... YUCK no offence I hate girls with nose percings. It's just grose.... The only pace I'd accept my gf to have a percing would be her ears thats it... And don't you ever think about getting your lips done too because how the h**l are you supost to kiss ppl???

    soz this didn't help but I'm just giving you my point of view

  4. it hurts just a bit more than having your ears done but not as much as your belly, my nose piercing didnt last for long as i pressed it out from the inside during my sleep i must of thought it was a bogey, i was gutted in the morning but it hasnt left a scar or hole, i think a tiny stud looks nice if you can stand having a butterfly inside your nose  

  5. Depends, what may be painful to some may not be as painful to you. Honestly it wasn't painful to me it felt more like a hard pinch, btw my navle and my nose piercings i'd say my navel piercing had more pressure applied to it than the nose. I haven't heard of a nose piercing rejecting but it can get infected if not taken care of well, just keep up with the after care to prevent infection,, also do not change out the jewelry until its healed, the nose piercing can take btw 3-6 months to fully heal.  If you want to get one, choose to get one because you like it and think it will suit you best, don't worry about other peoples opinion on them since you will be the one wearing it, not them. Good Luck.

    P.S. if you decide to remove the piercing in the future, if there hasn't been serious infection that had cause scarring than the piercing will close up and be unnoticeable.

  6. i think all of the above. im the 50 yr. yong woman. i got mine a mon. ago. l luv it.  yep it hurts, almost as bad as the belly. i had that done to a few yrs. ago. it got infected, so i took it out. wish i still had it. i think the nose is less risky. i havent had any problems. go ahead youll luv it too.

  7. I don't really like pierced noses. I think they're.. how do I put it... ok, weird? but everyone's opinion's different, so you just listen to yourself and no one else(like strangers on the net... LOL!) I never had my nose pierced... so I don't know, but don't do it halfway and go to a really cheap place. Trust me. you don't want an infected nose piercing.


  8. I find nose-peircing disgusting as well as anything except 1 or 2 holes in each ear. but whatever blows your hair back and i heard it hurts and has a higher chance of infection

  9. a nose piercing is by far the easiest to keep clean, and less risk for infection. Use bactine 3 times a day or as needed for it, bactine also helps as a pain reliever for the sight of piercing.  And the best part if you decide to take it out, yes you have a hole, but the hole shrinks and is hardly visible.

  10. Just remember when you are older you will have a hole in your face.

    And not good when you have a cold.

    Pierced but not the face :)

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