i just answered a question about moving n shifting teeth. now here is my dilemma. long ago i found out i had gingivitis, i didnt think much of it. now about 10 yrs later the doc tells me i have the final stage of gingivitis, the periodontal disease. which basically means that my teeth are beyond saving and only recommends puling them (4 front bottoms) out adding fake teeth. some ppl told me yes and some ppl told me no, cuz i should try and see if theres a way to save my teeth and that i shud go somewhere else and get a 2nd or 3rd opinion and preferably an orthodontist.
both said no crowns lol and either way i shud get permanent work done. So after realizing this cant be paid in cash i am wondering which dental insurance companies to consider???? and if my teeth should be saved???? or if i shud go forward with the extraction with implants or a bridge etc etc??? i am really leaning toward extraction.