
Advice for Acting...?

by Guest59288  |  earlier

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hello again. i wanted to say that i got into this school that lets you audition for some of the biggest casting directors in America. it's quite an honor. i just wanted to ask...

1. I'm not doing it just to be famous because i know that most actors and actresses don't succeed in this. I love acting and want to make it my profession. So...anyway, what should be my attitude going into a big audition? Like should i be professional and fun or just professional.

2. Any other advice for this amazing oppurtunity would be great.

I just want to be the best i can be for me, my parents and God.

thank you.





  1. i would say just be a friendly,positive person

    congrats & good luck !  & what school is it ?

  2. be professional! that's the best approach. you can show that you're "fun" in your piece...when i say "fun" i mean a competent actor. director do not hire people because they are fun especially in that capacity. dress for a job interview and take the audition seriously that way they'll know you are serious. find a piece and work it!! a lot!!! get solid not just on the lines but on your motivations, being honest, and blocking. they're only give you a few moments to show them all that you can do so pick a piece that you not only enjoy performing, but has a beginning middle end, and advertises what you think are you're best acting attributes. the more familiar you are with the piece, the more you can allow yourself to relax and give a good performance. congrats on the honor and break a leg.


    Your attitude should be fun, the real you, smiling, optimistic, polite, you should be professional. But not if your idea of professional is to be serious, professional by meaning knowing what your doing and being trained- watch  the video.

    I am with John Robert Powers, and I know all this. Just watch the videos on youtube regularly, their great!

  4. You have a great attitude about acting, it's refreshing to hear that someone is interested in ACTING, not just being famous. As for your audition, the best advise I can give is to just be yourself. Walk in and be the unique person you are, don't try to assimilate yourself to what you believe an actor is. Most castings you get in the beginning are perfect fit's to your personality and look so being yourself from the get go is essential. Remember that whom ever you are auditioning for wants you to be what they are looking for, they honestly are rooting for you. If it's an agent, they want their next big success, if it's a casting director, they want their search for the perfect actor for the role to be over, so keep a possitive mental attitude. Have fun and good luck!
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