
Advice for a 13 year old girl with an eating disorder??

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i've had anorexia for 1 year now and i recently got out of the hospital after being gone for 4 months and i gined about 10-15 lbs. technically im still underweight i weigh 90 lbs. and im 5'4. my friends tell me i look "better" i just think that means fat. they also tell me not to gain anymore weight. but i have to. My doctors are making me gain until i get my period back. i really cant handle goign to this school where everyone is constantly dieting, even ppl. who r WAY skinier then me! it's extremely hard and i cant just choose different friends im supposed to gain another 20 lbs. what should i do??? all my friends think im begining to look fat and they also think i was "faking" anorexia because i don't look anorexic. HELLPP???????




  1. Well just gain the dayum weight i'm sorry.

    but dont listen to others 110 is still underweight and your friends if they are really your friends shouldent care if you gain the weight you need. your tooo young to worry this much

  2. 90 lbs for someone who is 5"4 is still too thin. Remember, your health comes first. Your body stopped having periods because it's trying to tell you that you are too thin to support children. If this problem goes on it could become very serious.

    And your friends telling you that you look "better" doesn't mean that your fat. It just means that you look healthier. Also, did your friends come out and tell you not to gain weight, or have you misunderstood something that they said?

    My advice is to listen to your doctors because they know what they are doing and have your best interest at heart. good luck=)

  3. Just because you don't "look" anorexic, doesn't mean you aren't. You really should listen to your doctors and gain the weight back. I would also recommend ditching the "friends" that you have for some new ones. Maybe consider open enrollment at a different school?  Talk with your parents/doctors/teachers/a trusted adult that can help you through this.

  4. Ok catie. First thing i will say is hello. I have suffered mental disorder before in my life also. Being 13 and young and impressionable in todays times is just tom much for the caring , want to be accepted individual. This process is greatly exasserbated by social pressures, as we all know. Trust me when I say, to try to look like a model is extremely unhealthy. My wife is 5 ft and 128. She is not fat. she is a hot brazilean with some healthy, back. I am a muscular construction worker. You are obviously not fat. You are definately not with inner peace. You must first be happy with yourself. You must take care of the life your perspective god gave you.You must learn to treat yourself with respect, no matter what your physical appearance. I can help you get started on the road to inner peace. I cannot solve all your problems , but I can send you the right direction. Most mental illnesses are problems when the brain starves. This started to happen to you before you were ever diagnosed an anorexic. You mind was pre starved and your OCD disorder started then. At you age this is an easy thing to actually get out of if you are willing and want to get better.You must break this yourself. You must seek out the information with your parents. you must do this to improve the rest of your life. At thirteen, you are at a perfect age to start. Damages done are more reversable than anyone cares to believe. Get your self tested for food allergies. This is the holistic start to your full recovery. What is the food that has effected your mind in a manner it is stuck in the loop when you know you want to be out of it, and don't have any good answers. If you do not properly take care of the mechanism that makes your actual mind function, you will simply and logically have a mind that is malfunctioning. The mechanism obviously you brain. You need to be tested for the number one leader of mental health issues, Gluten allergy. There are other foods that can mess up the life of a hunter gatherer, but the number one persciption in many mental health issues to include autism and bipolarity, and a number of other malfunctions dealing with The mind body connection.The mind is a part of your body. Make sense? Skinny is not hot. you know what hot is? A person who is full of self confidence and physically fit! Getting there will take a different set of doctors and a little new research, but I hope that you get the books i suggest and I hope you refer to the doctors that are leading the field in Celiac gluten intolerences and mental health issue. One more thing young lady. I wish you the best of luck and true happiness. I am autistic and not socially taken well. I have greatly improved my life going gluten free. I cannot lie or understand harming another. Life out there just aint logical. It is up to you to learn what makes you happy. It's is only you that can make yourself better. The only way to help yourself is to educate yourself as to what is your malfunction. Do it now! The internet is here. The key is in your hands to enough knowledge to cure yourself. Please seek help. Please ask your parents to help and to understand. And just get the darn job done! Get tested for the HLA DQ2 and the HLA DQ8 genetic modifiers. Have them sent to prometheus labs in california. It is covered by insurance. It is a simple blood test. If the test is posative, this is a good thing. You now have the knowledge and power to work with the logically tangible.This is a simple blood test. It is easier than a glucose test. It is also a proud marker. OCD intelligence is powerful and it caused your problem. Used right, OCD intelligence can change the world. Treat yourself good. It takes a caring individual to end up in your trap. The world need more recovered caring powerful minded individuals, and I think you are one! Good luck!

  5. Your so called  "friends" are ******* stupid. 90 pounds at 5'4" is very underweight.

    You could DIe, and you need a change of friends.

  6. Some friends! you'd be abs. fine if you gained 20 lbs. Dealing with anorexia must be pretty hard and ur so called friends bagging on u nd saying u look fat is not helping u im sure. come on! I kno 5th graders that weigh more than 90 lbs. try to get them to understand and try to be friendly with others and make new friends. if they keep doing wat theyre doing, forget them! u gotta stick up for urself, hun :]

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