
Advice for a 21 month old?

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I am a full time stay at home mommy.

My son is 21 months almost 22. Im looking for ideas of things we can do together during the day, and new ways he can learn. We are working on the ABC's right now, but he wont say

Any ideas welcome??

Oh also, what would be a good schedule for him to, like all day....

Wake Up, Nap, Eat, Bed. We have never had a schedule either so it would be nice.




  1. Join a mommy and me dance class

  2. Ahh, the silly C's. My son did that also, however, he had speech delays. If your lil guy likes playing pretend; you can always do a moch pre-school. There are tons of websites out here that can give you ideas and cool things to do.  Since we are trying to get him to do C why not do that letter for the week. Generally when they are this little; you should keep to one letter per week. It gives them more time to remember it and be able to recognize it much quicker when they get to kindergarten.( cognitive thinking)

    So a good thing for C is Crayons. Do you have some scrap crayons laying around? and cookie cutters?  If you do; here is a cool recycled crayon idea that we do at home and my lil guys love it.

    Heat the oven to 350

    unwrap the crayons and put in baking pan ( small cake pan or muffin pan with cups)

    bake the crayons for 5 minutes ( if you want to be creative you can give the colors a little swirl with a toothpick)

    I put it into the freezer immediately for a minute just to be able to simmer down the heat.

    When the crayon is warm but still soft, place it on a hard surface ( you can either use a cutting board or aluminum foil)

    Cut it with cookie cutters and let it completely cool.

    Trust me, its fun and soo easy! Enjoy!

  3. TV is very intellegent these days. Try Dr Phil or something with lots of content. Or make a myspace page. He'll have heaps of friends before school, talk about popular! And mommy can help by typing for him. Real bonding, good times.


  4. well im not sure about the new fun stuff i cant think but i'm good at schedules.

    830-wake up


    in between-play/free

    1230-100 lunch

    100 story and nap time

    300 wake up

    play time

    530-600 dinner


    800-900 bath snack, story, bed

    *of course can be adjusted if you have different family meal times but that is my schedule for my 17month old and 5month old

  5. Wake up bout 8 or 9 am and have breakfast  Then nap at 1 or 2 and wake him up if he sleeps over 2 1/2 hours cause thats too much sleep then eat lunch.  Have a snack round 5.  Then put the baby to bed round 9pm.  And when you potty train you should take them to the potty even if they dont have to go when they wake up and every 2 hours throughout the day.  You should take him to the park once a week, go swimming another day of the week, watch some cartoons, let him play with the pots and pans, he would love it, let him color..just google the fun things to do with taste, touch, sounds for baby.

  6. I give any women who stays or is able to stay home all day with a small, active child credit.  Power to you and have fun.  It does not last forever.

  7. okay well what i always did with my little sister and mom when she was that age (and i was like 10 or 11) was she would play her baby einstein videos. She loved them and even though they were boring to me, she learned how to count to ten in spanish from it! also, i know she loved (and still does) our trampoline and the park, and i think she was swimming by then. And about the schedule, my sister usually woke up, ate, played, ate, and then after lunch she would nap for a good amount of time, and then eat dinner, and then bed at like 8-9.

  8. a schedual is very important!

    ok so i'm gonna try and give you a rough idea. but i ave no idea what time you both wake up!!

    8AM - wake up time, have breakfast

    8:30AM -bath time, maybe have a story in the bath, brush teeth and get dressed

    9AM - watch cartoons while  mum has shower and gets dressed

    10AM prepare a healthy morning tea, with bub's help! maybe fruit plate.

    10:30AM play time on his own while you clean up, and prepare an activity

    11AM under go activity

    12 - 12:30PM go outside and play kicks or another game.

    1:00pPM prepare lunch - healthy lunch, sitting down together and eating, maybe have him help clean up - give him some responsibility,

    1:30PM have story time for 20 - 30 minutes. then nap

    2:30 - 3:00PM  afternoon tea, this should only be a snack, may be a treat, like some buscuits, a slice of cake.

    3:00PM more activity time, painting or something messy!!!

    4:00pm go to the park

    4:30 - 5:00PM put some music on and dance together!!!

    5:30  - 6:00PM prepare dinner and eat dinner

    free time for him - nothing that will raz him up, something calming. then story and bed say 8:30PM

    ACTIVITY IDEAS: get stencils off the internet of different pictures to colour in, paint, stick things on to! paper mache is always a fave!

    go out into the garden and pick things appropriate to the season, stick them on a picture of a sun, snowman leaf etc.

    photo collaging for relatives! card making for relatives, educational puzzles, cutting out, shape work, colour work, have hand cards made up of different colours, have him tell you each colour - same with letters and objects.

    make up a matching game. where he has to match say animals

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