
Advice for a beginner sewer?

by  |  earlier

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I am about to get my first ever sewing machine, and have never used one before.

I am going to attempt to start making baby things, slings/booties/dresses etc.

Any advice for me?

How long does it take to get a basic understanding of things like seams, good finishes, the like?

Advice appriciated, thank you.




  1. The best way to learn is by taking a class.  Large fabric stores that also sell sewing machines usually offer classes.  Also when you buy your machine they should offer you a class so you have a firm understanding of the various features of your machine and instruct yuou on things like bobbin tension, attachments, changing the foot etc.

    Your local adult ed program may offer actual sewing classes, such as adapting a pattern, tailoring etc.

    Good Luck!

    PS (it is beginning sewer, if you were doing it for a career then you would be a seamstress LOL)

  2. It is seamtrist. not a sewer as in city sewer. Now, be patient. It is like riding a bicycle. It will take practice to get the hang of hems, stitches and especially gatherings.  Don't try to sew so fast. That was one of my problems, wanted the machine to go too fast. Goodluck, you will do fine.

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