
Advice for a long drive with three young kids

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Our family is about to embark on a 20 hour drive 1/2 way across the country! We have a 3 1/2 year old & 19 month old twins! Any advice for games/activities??? We have a portable DVD for the car, but what else can we do? Thanks for your time!





  2. Take lots of stops- unless you'll be driving some time at night while they're asleep (always a good idea!).  Have something to cuddle - a blanket or stuffed animal.  For the dvd's, maybe buy some new ones at the store that they haven't seen before and don't show them until you need to use them.  And bring along some favorites as well.  Your 3 1/2 yr. old can help find a certain color of car or any color outside.  That could keep her busy.  It's a little bit harder for the twins of course since they're younger.  Good luck!

  3. bring a nintendo for the older child to keep busy for a while...lots of their favorite movies, snacks, have a game of simple i spy...look for farm animals while driving thru the country, how many red cars can each of you find..etc.. stop and stretch every few hours, but it might be hard to get them back into the car...good luck!

  4. take lots of toys and snacks and if you can stop on the way so they can get out and run round for a bit it's going to be tough! so good luck!

  5. The only thing I can think of is being comfortable, because you have small children, I think they will be sleeping a lot of the trip.

    Just stop at the rest stops and have plenty of snacks  and water available.


  6. My mom and dad would buy a bag full of cheap dollar store toys and whenever we got fussy hand one back to us. We were little so we didn't notice or care that they were cheap, and it was exciting to get something new to play with every few hours. It kept us busy and shut us up lol.  

  7. keep them up as long as you can before hand, then they can sleep ages in the car. when they wake up, put a dvd on, or take some cds with songs on that they like.

    or good old i-spy?

    good luck with your journey.

  8. Drive at night when they normally sleep. If you can not do this, stop every few hours to allow them to play for a bit. That is going to be a really tough trip.

    Did you ever consider flying? You would be there is about 3 hours.  

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