
Advice for bipolar disorder?

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I'm newly diagnosed. I read up on all the facts but now I'd like people's opinions on bipolar disorder and how to deal with it, family, friends, relationships, etc. Whether you're bipolar or something else I'd like to hear some advice! Please!




  1. Life is like a roller coaster. People have their ups and downs except bipolar disorder people have extremely high highs and extremely low lows. Medication will help level those manic and and depressive periods out. However, when you do hit your depressive periods just remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The same goes for your manic periods except when your manic be careful of what you do, say, or spend. If you're having trouble with your manic and depressive periods then find a psychologist that uses meditation in their practices. The meditation will help you calm down easier when you're agitated and help you to keep a clear mind when you're manic. Also, bipolar disorder is not necessarily a disability if you can use it to your advantage and it is not a disability unless you let it disable you. Keep your head high, try to think positively, breath deep, and remind yourself it's going to be O.K. if you're having a bad day. Good luck and hope all goes well.    

  2. I'm bipolar and I used to live a total nightmare, but I'm totally under control now for the first time in my life.

    I take Lamictal, an anti-convulsant/mood stabilizer every day and it works phenomenally.  With that I live a totally normal life.

    People can be really ignorant when it comes to bipolar disorder.  I even saw three people on this website say that they thought Tourette's and bipolar were the same thing.  Come to think of it, I did want to scream obscenities at them after that!

  3. Don't mean to sound bad but I have had Bi-polar for 10 years and still can't cope with it.Not sure if my medication is right though as it can take time to get the right combinations.Or maybe I am just going through a bad phase.

                                 Good luck to you anyway.

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