
Advice for going back to work after baby?

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I am going back to work on Monday after having a year off with my daughter. I am having a really hard time dealing with the separation.

Any advice from working parents on how to deal?




  1. I've been there!

    Before you go to drop her off at daycare, write down all the things you plan on saying (when she ate last, was changed last, when she naps, when she had tylenol last, your emergency phone numbers, etc.) That way, if you start crying, you don't have to try to blubber out a list of things!

    Also, bring some pictures of her to work with you if you can. I found that helped so much! People would stop at my desk and tell me how beautiful she was and I loved bragging her up.

    Just remember, she KNOWS that you are her mom and she won't ever forget it. I think deep down that is every moms worst fear- that our children will think someone else is their mother. My daughter is 6 months old and gets the hugest smile on her face when she sees me pick her up...they just know!

    Good luck!

  2. I wish you the best, it was the absolute hardest thing I've ever done(that is why I went part time just recently).  Just know it gets a little easier after a few months and call to check on her all the time, at least that made me feel better.  I wish I had some magical advice for you but it really is something that day by day you have to ease through.  Good luck to you, I hope this helps in some way.

    GREAT ADVICE SARA C!!!!!!!!!!

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