
Advice for my best friend. Cheating Boyfriend.?

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My best friend is dating this boy she is like in love with. but he keeps cheating on her. and she cant stop going back to him. She really thinks he can change. but i don't believe he can. Last week he had s*x with this other chick, while my best friend was out of town. She came back & the girl he had s*x with, didn't really tell her they did it. but you know was giving her hints. so she asked him. and he denied it. Last night they broke up. Shes tired of it. He keeps sending her text messages saying how he loves her, and how he just wanted her to be happy and its making her feel worse. i want to help her but idk what to do. Please help. Whats some advice i can give her.




  1. well good thing they broke up

    it would have hurt her even more if the stayed together

    he is putting on an act

    comfort her

    maybe have an all-girls sleepover with a couple other friends

    take her mind of guys

    she will soon find someone good enough for her

  2. Just be there for her and reassure her that breaking up with him was best.  Also, encourage her to go get tested for STD's and such because if that girl was scandalous, then she is probably "out there" if you know what I mean.

  3. she needs to stay 'broken up' w/ him. she shouldnt go bak to him. she knows hes cheating on her, and obviously he doesnt love her as much as hes pretending. hes not worth it at all. if she goes bak to him, shed b really stupid. there are a lot more better guys out there.  

  4. tell her not to answer any of his texts or calls at all and to stay away from this guy. she wants to be happy right? the only way this will happen is if she does NOT get back with him. tell her she deserves better than him...once a cheater always a cheater and hes proven this several times with her. she needs to move on. just be there for her and support her through it all. have a girls night, go out, do whatever to take her mind of of it. the key is to cut off all contact with this loser. she will feel so much better when she does.

    if worse comes to worse and he still texts...have her call her service provider and have his number blocked

  5. Aw, I'm sorry.

    You need to tell your friend to get out of this relationship and that she'll be very unhappy if she stays with him. You never know who he could have s*x with, and that could be dangerous to her health. (STDS, STIS, etc)

    Your friend could find a MUCH better guy.

  6. if she feels like giving him another shot, (I wouldn't and I'm a guy) a really in depth talk is the only way to fix damage that bad (to her and to the relationship) Personally, I would ignore the texts, (or at least not read them) and just try to make a clean break as best you can. If what he was telling her was true, he would never have cheated. (let alone doing it repeatedly)

  7. tell your frnd to get a life.....she can't do that with herself.....just tell her to count on his negative points and she may realise that the guy is jus not right 4 her. gud luck!

    hope ur frnd gets out of d bad phase.

  8. He is a coward! He is using her to make himself feel better, especially b/c she keeps going back to him! Believe it or not it is giving him power!!! She needs/should know that she deserves better! If he really loved her, he would not hurt her by cheating on her or any other way for that matter. Some females keep going back b/c of their self respect and lack of confidence. But soon and soon enough you get tired of getting run over and used!!! Men know how to use slick words and tears to their advantage with weak women! Just let her know that she can do better, set her up on dates, take her out to show her more things besides the jerk that she is with! You can try your best, but most people change when they want! Pray for her!!! Good luck Love!

  9. once a cheater alwayz a cheater

    nd don fall fo a player

  10. I had a boyfriend that was just like that in high school I was a junior and he was in college.  He cheated on me all the time and everyone told me.  I knew but choose not to believe it because he was a great sweet talker and I loved him and didnt want to believe the rumors.  I indeed up with chlamydia and HPV.   Hes been long gone for years yet I have had to deal with HPV.  Tell your friend hes not worth it.  One day she will meet a nice guy and when she does he wont put her throw all the rumors and the cheating.

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