
Advice for my first year of middle school; 6th grade?

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Well in two weeks I'm going to 6th grade. I go to a public school named South-Dade Middle. I already went to that school last year fro 5th because in my old school they decided to take out 4th and 5th grade so they build this new school wich had 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th but every time the student needs a grade older they add that grade.

So this year I'm going to that same school but for 6th grade and it's different than 5th, for every class do we have different classmates? How is the schedule, and what do block schedules mean?

Some advice for 6th grade??? Thankyou!




  1. Don't go down the path of drugs, s*x, s***s, high school dropouts and failures.

    It may seem inappropriate or too early to be telling a 6th grader, but trust me, those things are happening earlier and earlier each year.

  2. um not much to say i wouldnt be to nervious but um learn the rulz fast and listen to your teachers they wont tolerat ANYTHING!!! theyll give you detention fast and sixth grade. isnt hard its kinda easy and im not a smart person but yeah theres nothing to worry about unles your a shy and quit person and afraid to meet other people i gues your fine LOL theres teams if the school is public thers probably teams its like a b c and kids will be split up into groups of a 100 kidson a team and you wont have classe with all of them but u will have classe with some of them and the classes were i went are all close together u can talk to your friens in passing time but middle school food is awsome compared to elementry school so chances are you prolly wont have all the same clase mates youll have new ones from other schools that youll meet  ATLEAST WHEN I WENT TO MIDDLE SCHOOL  

  3. I'm a senior in high school now.

    But my baby sister is going into sixth grade.

    In her school they have about six classes a day and they switch back in forth with an A schedule and a B schedule.

    They do that so you can get lots of electives.

    Every class has different people in it most of the time, but just relax and if there is no one you know in your class just gradually make new friends.

    Just good luck and enjoy it. :)

    And if you would like you could talk to her if you want, email me. :)

  4. Good luck in sixth grade!

    My advice for you is to always keep two steps ahead of everyone. If a teacher mentions what you'll be taking up later on in the class, read up on it. Make notes ahead, study ahead, research ahead. It'll get you far. Also, know how to balance your time between leisure activities and schoolwork.

    Hope it helped, and may the Force be with you.

  5. 6th grade, wow. wwell in most middle schools yhea u start to have  different classes with different people, but thats good because thus u get to meet new people :D

    but yhea whatever you do do not go into drugs s*x violence. Im not saying youll encounter that immediatly at your school. But as kids tend to get bigger, they think the way for people to like them is through that...but dont!  For example, i had a classmate that did drugs and accorind to the gossip, she was a sutt. She was known back than, but now people realize that she was just a loser. Shes working in a fast food restaurant, while many of the people she graduate with are working in companies earninng much more than what she does. Drugs s*x and violence  do not make you cool. Not trying to scare you or anything, just advising you to be carefull :]

    Well it depends each school , my 6th grade schedule was 7 periods and we would have a shedule and b schedule, which we would change each day.  

  6. Advice: Don't try to mess with the "upperclassmen"

    you do have different classmates in mostly every class

    && you have 8 classes through the whole day(:

    Good Luckk

  7. Well, I'm going to 6th grade too next year and I'm the first in my family to go because we just moved here last year and from what I know we will have different classmates because we all go to different class, we might have different lunches than our friends. P.S I have no idea what block schedules are... I mean that I'm just new and by the first day you'll know what they are.......P.S.S. Try to make friends from older people but not the wrong way and NEVER mess with them..........

  8. I am going into 6th grade too. I am not that nervous because my school goes up to 8th grade. Sorry I really don't have anything to say but to stay in the right crowd!

  9. Hey I was in 6th grade last year! It was so much fun! You are going to love it!

    Some advice...

    Be organized- folders always help and so do post it notes

    Be friendly- you can never have enough friends!

    Respect the teachers and other staff- if you do this you will have a good reputation with the teachers and they will trust you more

    Well your question is sort of unclear but if I understand right it is just regular middle school in the same building as elementary?

    If that is right then you will have a lot of the same kids in your classes usually there is just one person with the same schedule as you. But you will have different teachers. Block schedules are when you have fewer classes for a longer period of time. Your schedule will be pretty much be different from other people's.Call your friends and compare before school starts. At my school we have Walk Through Days where we go to school and get our schedule then we walk around the school and look around and we find out where our classes are going to be. And we see all of our friends before school. If your school has one of these go to it you can meet your teachers there too! Good Luck! =D

  10. hi there! i just graduated middle school, and im going into highschool. middle school isnt anything differnet. but you do not wanna mess with the seventh and eightgraders. when i was an eigth grader, i liked to rag on the 6th and 7th graders, no offence. but dont let them bother you. but be yourself. dont try to be someone your not. dont try to impress and anyone. and be nice to all your teachers. middle school will go by in a flash. hope this helped.

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