
Advice for single mother.?

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I am a single mother to be, as the dad left me early in pregnancy (it was planned.) I really want to be the best I can, and I know I can do it. I just sometimes get emotional from the pregnancy hormones, so any advice/experiences/quotes anything, would be helpful.




  1. I can sympathize.  My pregnancy wasn't planned (I was on bc pills) and the deadbeat left me when I was 14 weeks along.  I'm now 37 weeks pregnant and haven't heard from him since he left.  It's hard.....most pregnant women can't even imagine because they haven't ever been pregnant and alone.  It's especially hard now that I'm in the last month.  

    All I can say is that women like us are extraordinarily strong.  We have to be to get through it.

    Good luck!

  2. just be the best mom you can be. if you ever doubt yourself remember that you got a kid who's counting on you to do the best you can for him/her. ask for help if you need it, and love the baby with all ur heart.  

  3. Dont do him any favors.  What did he do to help you out?  Sounds like he did all that he was willing to do by donating his seed. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.

    Next, take all the help that you can get.  Not that unsolicited-nosey-old-lady-in-the-grocer... you know help with baby sitting and the occasional visitor who happens to come bearing a casserole.

    Love that baby with all of your might as you can never do too much of that.  Take him/her to church (a great resource for help and support, again even if its a visitor with a casserole), pray for him/her and speak blessings over them every minute of every day.

    Finally, screen every future suitor carefully as you are no longer a single unit, you are a pair.  

  4. What I would suggest is to: wait until the baby is older to start dating(It would be easier). If you have a good job take time off and try to sort it out. If the guy never signs the papers; just let it go, you can always change it later. That is his chose not to be involved. Just think: He will be missing out on one good kid. That's his lost.

    Hope this helps and good luck.

  5. Wow, what a jerk, especially considering it was planned.. that's really sad.  Can you join any support groups where you live? Join a mommy and me program.  Find friends with small children.  Good luck!

    Definitely go for child support and be sure you get legal and physical custody of your child (these would be 2 separate court appearances by the way).  Stay strong!

  6. This too shall pass. I want you to realize that after all you are going through,when you hold that precious new life in your arms that it will all be worth it. Bless you . You will be fine,just love your child with all your heart.

  7. I myself was a single mother just a year ago; and now I'm happily married!

    One question: will the baby's father be an active part of your child's life?

    If so, you may want to keep in mind that this will play a factor when you want to make decisions such as moving away etc. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make him pay child support! I've known mothers who have just let him slide away, and they were completely screwed over because of it.

    My advice to you would be to cling to your family, when I was raising my (now) 7 year old, (now) 4 year old, and (now) 13 month old triplets alone, my family provided me with the best support. They're also great help when you need help caring for the babies and whatnot.

    FOCUS ON THE ARRIVAL OF YOUR BABY. Whether the father is around or not; this will be one of the happiest days of your life! Prepare for the baby as you usually would, and keep your spirits up. Just because you will be a single mother doesn't mean that you are incapable of anything a married mother could do. Stay strong and raise your baby to be strong. As soon as that little angel is placed in your arms, there's no way that any doubts could fill your head. Love the baby with all your heart, and you will be a great mother!

    (When you're ready, whether it may be now or in 20 years!) Don't be afraid to get out there and start dating again, and when you do, keep your baby in mind. It's perfectly normal now-a-days for a child to grow up without a father around, but it will be more of a comfort to you to have someone around that can provide you with happiness and support.


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