
Advice for starting high school

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Hi i'm 14 and i'm starting high school this year. im super nervous. does anyone have any tips on it....just in general, nothing specific





  1. try to see this as a wonderful new opportunity to meet new people and be a more self-assured person.  just be yourself, pick your friends carefully and avoid the bad stuff and crum-bums.

  2. Relax, breathe, and have fun.  On your first day, take a writing utensil and a spiral.  Go with the flow and smile.  I've been teaching 9th graders for years, and it's great - everyone gets to start over, meet new people, make friends, have different teachers, have more freedom.  It'll be great - don't worry.

  3. Just be yourself and don't be afraid of talking to someone new. Even if they don't seem cool... keep your mind open. (They may end up being the coolest kid in school!)

    This is the place to develop your personality. Be a sweet person and don't gossip too much.

    You can do it!!

  4. Take electives in ninth grade.  Don't listen to those guidance counselors about taking math, science, english and social studies in ninth grade.  You don't have to.  When you take academic subjects in ninth grade then by time you are in twelfth grade you won't have to take it and you would have to have free periods.  That's how seniors get senioritis b/c they met all the requirements and now they feel they don't have to take anything.  If you delay taking academic subjects later, you will likely remember it by time you graduate.

  5. I could go into real specifics, but my simplest answer would be to just be yourself, work hard, get involved in the school, don't be mean or rude, and don't get involved in stupid drama.

  6. Oh advice, advice. Here's some stuff I learned

    -Do NOT ask seniors where the buses are because they will tell you it is on the opposite side of the school, and you'll trust them and miss the bus and walk to four miles home until your friend sees you halfway to your home and takes pity on you.

    -Do all your homework. You're not in Kanas anymore, my first hard class I got a D in because I didn't realize how hard it was. I was going to make it up in summer school but then I failed math because I had a horrible teacher and ended up making that up, so now next summer I have to go do that...yay.

    -And the last answer brings me to, your going to have some sucky teachers that dislike kids and well, dislike everything. And you're going to have teachers that are very biased on something [g*y marriage, religion, ect] , and enjoy watching the kids debate about it, so for these teachers be mentally ready. Those classes are usually the best though. :D

    -If your school is on block schedule, see if your counselor will let you switch the harder stuff to the second semester so you can get a feel for high school before completely jumping in. Thankfully, my counselor told me that, which is why I ended up getting a D in bio instead of like failing all of my hardcore classes, because I had them in the second semester. However most schools are on a seven schedule anyway, so you won't have to worry about that.

    Well, that's all I can think of. E-mail me if you have anything else :D


    haha, reading mine now i've gotten too spefic. sorry!

  7. Ahhhh, I remember my first day of high school.  It was August 20, 2001 and it was the day after I went to a Blink 182 concert....

    Don't be nervous, plenty of people will be in the same situation as you.  Don't ask the older students (sophomores, juniors, and seniors) for directions to a particular classroom if you don't know where it is because they will purposely send you in the wrong direction (it happened to me)!!!  Try and find your friends at lunch so you are not the loser sitting by yourself.  Good luck!

  8. If you liked middle school, high school will suck. If you hated middle school, it will still suck.  

  9. Stay calm, and don't act nervous.

    Smile when you're introducing yourself to others.

    Keep a friendly upbeat attitude.

    And that's about it.

  10. 1. Lunch lines maybe super long, you can even bring lunch from home, or do what I did, buy from the vending machines. But don't forget about weight gain. Eating constantly from vending machines-though very tempting in your busy schedule, is not always healthy.

    2. Bring the supplies you think you'll need necessary for each class, better to go overprepared than underprepared. But don't look like an idiot either, be reasonable. They probably will just get you kind of oriented the first day--so don't worry about much.

    3. Yes, you might be with upperclassmen. just don't try to attract their attention. Because when I was a senior and we had lower-classmen they would only get a hard time from us--or we would only make of them when they would act immature to get attention--even though we were the most immature out of all-upperclassmen will be dumb and clueless-remember for seniors, it's there last year-and frankly they don't care what happens-atleast none of us did-they can afford to slack off-you can not, they have already have sent in college apps-you still have to send college apps and have about 3 years of good/bad/crazy times ahead of you. Enjoy it while it lasts.

    4. At my school the lunch time was the same for every grade bc that way if students need to see teachers they are all available. But it maybe different for your school.

    5. People usually just wear school colors or school shirts ( i never did, my friends and i usually snuck out of these things-we didn't like them)-don't go all out, you'll look like a pyscho. But be involved in school, like in clubs and sports-colleges like this a lot.

    6. Your clothes reflect who you are- if you try to blend in, people will just tone you out-you'll be like everyone else. But yeah, they where all those logos. Just don't go like your begging for attention like some freshman do--you'll just be made fun of. Go calm, cool, and collected. Like your a mature person that knows she's there to study and to make some new friends all the way.

    And last of all, Have fun--trust me it goes by so fast, and before you know it-your sitting here like me, making you schedule for the first semester for college.

    be confident, no one want to be around a negative person-be positive and let your awesome personality shine through!

    Most of all, study, study, study-don't be one of those people that don't have all of their credits by the time they have to graduate or don't pass-you may have been the queen of your middle school or the perfect A student-don't be around bad influences--surround yourself with smart people-you'll make the right decisions. You go to school to study-not fool around seriously--you need to have an awesome transcript, colleges are getting tougher and tougher by the day

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