
Advice for two new baby parakeets??

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they both have pink noses, does that mean they are both female??

any advice for caring for them??

Parakeets can talk right??




  1. a brown cere usually indicates a female parakeet and a blue one a male. If they are pink tho, it could be a toss up. I have one that had a pink cere and it turned brownish so I think its a female. the only sure way to tell is to take them to the vet for DNA testing (sort of expensive) or I heard that there is a kit you can buy to get the blood yourself (you cut a toenail, not to far, you don't want them to bleed to death), just enough for a small drop of blood and you send it somewhere and then you pay something I have only heard about this, Idon't know if it's true or accurate. If you do choose to go this route, make sure you have cornstarch or even better, some Kwik Stop styptic powder to stop the bleeding, you put it on the end of the nail. Kwik Stop is always good to have on hand anyway if you have birds. it's also good if the bird breaks a blood feather and you can't pull it out (that's what you do if they are bleeding from a feather cuz then they really could bleed to death). I had an African grey break a blood feather and couldn't get a hold of it with the needlenose pliers and put cornstarch on it but wished I had the Kwik Stop, it just works better.

    As for other tips, make sure they get a varied diet and they get some sort of greens every day. I give them to my keets and they never touch them but at least I offer! Also you could give them a small piece of fruit like apple but make sure you take old food out every day, you don't want them to get food poisoning. also, there are so many little cute toys at any pet store, they like mirrors and ladders, and make sure they have a calcium source like a cuttle bone available at pet stores. you don't want them to get bored. they like to shred stuff and the pet stores sell things called, of all things, shredders! :o) good luck!

  2. Parakeets are great talkers. The thing is, they won't learn to talk to you. As long as they have a pal to talk to they will. They will not bond with you as long as they have another bird to talk with. They will not bond with you if you have another bird for them to be with. They will even take another species bird before a human. IF you want a talker or a pet then a single bird is best.

  3. you are saying babies, if you bought them at a pet store they are not babies but young ones. if the creel is light in color it denotes female, the creel is the patch with their nostrils. parakeets can be taught to talk but it is much harder when you have more than one.

  4. They most certainly can talk. They can be a bit difficult to understand but they are definitely talkers.

    "Adult budgies are easy to s*x by looking at their ceres (the fleshy area above the beak where the "nostrils" are located). Females *always* have a whitish, tannish, or brown cere. When in breeding condition, the female's cere will be a deep brown color and may appear crusty. When out of breeding condition, the female's cere can be white, tan, or flesh colored. Often, a female will have a white cere with areas of light blue. Adult males will usually have bright blue ceres.

    There are exceptions to the rules. Albino, lutino, and recessive pied males will have a smooth pink cere instead of blue. Albino birds are pure white with red eyes. Lutinos are pure yellow (save for light colored flight feathers and white cheek patches) with red eyes. Recessive pieds are budgies that have splotches of colors and bright orange beaks.

    Young budgies are much harder to s*x as most of them will have a pinkish purple cere. One of the best clues is that young females often have distinct white rings around the nostrils and the cere is often a bit lighter in color. Young males have a more even-colored cere and while they may have rings around the nostrils, they usually aren't as distinct and are more translucent."

    Quoted from this page of my website:

    Excellent site on budgie care:

  5. Cover them at night because they sleep better but dont forget to remove it in the morning. Give them treats. They really dont require much. Keep their wings clipped in case they fly out. They wont be ably to fly high. I had 5 when I was a kid.

  6. give it food each day.i dont know the s*x but u should wait 4 to 6 months usally the girl talks less and the boy keeps talking.parakeets can talk but they r harder to teach.mine only said hi twice and bye it fruits that will make it healthier.try to take it out of the cage for more than 1 hour everyday.

  7. if they r babbies the all hve pink noeses wait 4 about a few months is their noeses stay pink there girls if blue boys, girls may also have a pinkish brown nose. make sure u let them out to fly alot to strech their wings in a non dangerous enviroment, ppl say u have to claen their cage every day but u only really need to clean it once a week, or twice at the most, give them lots of attention and love, and yes parakeets can talk but since u have two it is unlikley, u have to teach only one bird at a time because once they start talking to each other in their own language they wont want to lern a new language that u r trying to teach them, but if u r still going to ry i advise u to seperate them or to make sure u do it while their still young. You might also want to know that if u have girl bird they r much more aggresive than boys so u might ant to hope their boys, girls bite alot and r way more protective of themselves. hope this helps.

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