
Advice from Parents?

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I'm going into high school and I have decided that I don't want to play basketball. I've played my whole life, but now I realize I just am not interested anymore.

My parents are disappointed and mad at me. They are punishing me because I am not playing. This is what I have to do.

-only 1 hour on comp

-read a book a week(I'm talking GOOD reading too. like edgar allen poe and shakespere)

- I have to have my day scheduled and oraganized before 12.

Isn't this insane? I just don't want to play and they are making it harder on me.

Parents, please give me your intake on this.




  1. I am a parent and I don't think the things you mentioned are "punishment". Doesn't sound like it even has anything at all to do with basket ball.

    Sounds to me like your parents just love you and want you to be educated instead of on the computer all the time.  

    Sorry, but I'm on their side.

  2. I agree with the others that these are good things for you to do anyways.  With reading, you will learn a lot and probably end up finding out that you like some of those authors.  And being organized is always better than not, trust me.  As far as the computer thing..   I have mixed feelings.  I understand limiting your time on sites like this or myspace, but I dont think the computer should be looked at as something that has to be limited.  I mean, do you know that you can get all those books that you would have to read in an 'e' (short for electronic) format and read it on the computer?

    But, if these things are being handed down as punishment for not continuing in basketball, then thats kind of crazy.  I hate when parents try to live vicarioulsy through their children.  Its your life.  If you dont like basketball anymore, then you shouldnt be forced to play it.

    Is there any other extra curriculars you think you may like instead?  A different sport, drama club, choir...  I dont know, there are usually lots of things to choose from.

  3. Well, you shouldn't be punished for not wanting to play basketball anymore - though I do think physical activity is important in a young adults life, especially with obesity on the rise.

    However, when I was younger I had a time limit of 1 hour on the computer a day anyways, my parents wanted me to do more than just sit in front of a screen. Reading a book can be tedius, I dont like Edgar Allen Poe, his books scare me, but I do love Shakespeare.

    I don't think that organization is bad, but if you're a teenager, there's really no point in having every minute planned out. .

  4. I think your parents are more disappointed because they (1) see your potential and (2) think your life is directionless. That is why they are having you do other things. It sounds to me like they want you to be doing productive things with your life and that basketball was one of the things they considered productive. So they are now helping you to do other productive things. I commend your parents for trying to make you an educative and productive adult.

    If you think they are being too strict, then you should talk to them when you are not angry and they are not angry or busy. Just ask them why they set up those rules, and see if there are things you like that you could replace them with. Like a part-time job, tutoring, etc. Good luck.

  5. what you dont want to be like kobe?

  6. It sounds like your parents are not so much concerned with basketball as with you doing something useful with your time.  It is not good for teens to sit around watching TV or playing games all day.

    If you are old enough in your state, get a summer job.  That will impress your folks and do the "have my day scheduled" bit for you.  

    As for the reading, go to the reference desk of your local library and have them suggest quality literature that matches your interests.  The reading will be good for you if the subject is interesting.

  7. Well, I dont think you should be punished for not playing, but I also dont think those things are punishment. You will thank them later!
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