I've got a very difficult son, age 12, who has some ADD symptoms, but despite all talks and opportunities, his selfish ways just prevent him from making any friends. Ever since he was a toddler, his bright and excitable ways have alienated him from having any real close buddies, despite numerous attempts we've made for playdates. Today was the last straw: he invited some friends to a fun event put on by a local church and he promptly left them to go off on his own on the rides and games. The guests left obviously confused as to why they were invited in the first place. His younger brother doesn't have this problem at all and is often the cause of the older sibling's jealousy. We try to stay neutral, but it's nearly impossible to do so and still be honest.
I don't need psychobabble; just advice from parents who have been in this position and have real, personally tried tactics which have worked. Thanks