
Advice? i'm pretty sure my friend just ditched me.?

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ok so right now it's 3:45pm and at about 12:00 one of my bffs called and asked me if i wanted to go over to her house and hang with her and another friend of ours, but i said i couldn't because i was baby sitting then i said well i'm done at 3 i could come then and she said ok so i was exited because i don't hangout much over the summer because i'm usually busy with babysitting or family stuff so i got all ready and stuff then at like 3:15 i called her to say i was on my way and no one answered so about 5 minutes later i called again and her sister answered and said she was out and she still hasn't called back yet .

i was pretty mad considering she's the one who asked me to hang out.

any advice?




  1. I would wait to speak to her later, and ask her are you ok? And when she answers, say, Okay, because I called you to meet like we mentioned and you were gone. She will either brush it off or apologize. In that case, I would ask yourself, is it worth getting upset over, does the person do it all of the time. If its all of the time, they are insensitive and you may need to just say, hey I like hanging out dont leave me behind, or just say, I notice you forget about me when we make plans, whats up with that. In any event, maybe she didnt want to make the other person wait and you suffered for that decision.

  2. well, you can't be sure that your friend ditched you.

    maybe she was in the middle of something and couldn't answer the phone, you gotta think about the other side of the story.

  3. get over it and go to any mall and spend sometimes by yourself maybe yo meet some real friend  

  4. my advice: get over it.

    she and your other friend shouldnt be expected to wait around for you and not have fun. so they decided to go out and it spread over into your time frame, bid deal. like her sister said, she will call when she gets back. make plans for later today or some other time.

  5. something else came up.. yahh it gets you a little bit mad but im sure it was just a mistake, there will be plenty more to times to hang out

  6. Well something could have came up important (or she thought was important) but, why should she set at home an wait for you? She was probabley bored and when something came up she went to have fun. you can't really say you would set at home all day an wait for a friend that may or may not really come over if something you wanted to do came up be honest?

    just tell her she could have called and that you was really looking forward to seeing her and hanging out today..Maybe make plans to do something 2moro.  

  7. tell her that you two had an agreement, and that was the plan, and ask her why would she do that? maybe it was a misunderstanding.

  8. I dont think that she just ditched you. I just thing that she was out with her other friend and she forgot that you were coming over at 3 oclock.

    I think that it was just an accident.

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