
Advice needed, Is my daughter growing up?????

by Guest45318  |  earlier

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5 wks ago my daughter aged 10 a week ago, had some bleeding. She again has has some bleeding, however she only notices when she goes to the loo for a wee. I cant remember myself what it was like to start my period. Is this a sign of her growing up or should i be worried its something else.




  1. don't worry. My period began befor I was 10. Just talk to her about everything everytime. Be her best of "girlfriend".

  2. Congratulations she started her period

    girls only plz

  3. it may be her period, but than again may be something else.

    ask her about cramps and such.. if she has none it may be something else bothering her and you may want to make a doctors appt.

  4. Take her to see your gynecologist, just to play it safe...


    Hope this helps.

  6. she could be spotting

    does she have cramps? seems cranky

    i was a 11 when i got mine

    she will always be your baby girl though :)

  7. if shes big for her age, its probably normal..

    if shes very petite, id take her to see the doctor to be sure :)

  8. Well it depends on your daughters age.

    If she is approaching her teens..around 11, or 12 then it is possible!

    But don't be upset about it. It's just a part of life.

    But if she is urinating blood, then you need to go to the doctor immediately.

    It may be an uncomfortable conversation but find out where this blood is coming from..

  9. some girls start early

  10. shes probably ready to have her period, most likely, the bleeding is her period so its very very possible, almost surely she had her period. go talk to her about it if she doesnt know already about puberty and all that if you would like.

    best of luck!

    hope everything goes well.

  11. If she only notices when she goes to the bathroom, and it's not in her underwear, then it's probably a sign of a bladder  or kidney infection( worst case scenario). Just to be sure, you should take her for a check-up.

    Though it's not uncommon for 10 yr olds to get their menstrual cycle, getting it this early could also be signs of something else.

    I advise a check up just in case :)

    best of luck and hope nothing is wrong.

  12. it doesn't sound like her period because when you have your period you bleed constantly, not just when you use the restroom. you might want to double check with the doctor- i would.

  13. It's possible, but could also be a UTI.  Does she have any other symptoms?  I'd get her a doctor appt., just to be on the safe side.

  14. ahah

  15. sounds like she is growing up. i would take her to the gynecologist for a visit

  16. i think she has a period.


    just buy her some pads and get her a book about periods.or something like that :P

  17. well if shes bleeding you need to tell her about periods and stuff she needs to know to be able to make sure she has really started her period but this Meens shes growing its just a sign of puberty we all went through it!

  18. look it could be a sign of UTI (urinary track infection) too

    I am not sure and I am not making a diagnosis here

    just the fact that you said she notice when she pees

    so it raise for me the flag

    ask her of . pain discomfort and so so

    take her to the doctor and tell them they will tell you in a sec

    she will pee in a cup and after 15 min they tell you infection or not

    if not you know she is growning up

    if yes 7 days of antibiotic and done !!!

    good luck go to the doctor please


  19. shes probably an early bloomer so she probably has her period

  20. If it was her period it would probably be visible at other times besides when urinating.  Please take her to the doctor.  There may be a bladder infection, hemorrhaging, or worse....

    She needs a doctor.  If it is her period it wouldn't hurt to go to the doctor anyways, she may need some reassurance from a doctor that she is ok.

  21. could be an infection, kidney, or cystitis, best to get it checked out at the docs

  22. I started mine at 11 years old so it might be. When I first started I had some light bleeding and then more of a flow.

  23. it sound slike a bltter infection, i would just take her to a doctor for a quick pee test and im sure they can just give her a 5 day prescripton.

  24. Dude give the doctor a ring

  25. No she is shrinking and the blood is just excess that the body no longer needs as it is getting smaller.

  26. All daughters grow up at some point.

  27. At first there's nothing to expect because everyone is different. It is most likely her period, and if she doesn't get it again for up to 6 months that's still normal.

  28. It sounds like she could have an infection, take her to a real Doctor and stop asking us quacks!

  29. bleeding from the v****a= period.

    it comes differently for younger children. my neice was 11 when she got hers. it would come sporadically and the cycles would be short.  

  30. She isn't to young to be having a period.  She could have a bladder problem, too.  Is she complaining about burning or frequency with urination?  If she doesn't complain about back pain or the other symptoms I listed, she is probably having a period.  

  31. a girl can get her "friend"  from age nine. most of the time it starts between the ages of eleven to age fifteen. but there have been cases that it started earlier.

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