
Advice needed!! Sociology, Psychology?

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Well, I took Sociology in year 10, and did 1 year at the GCSE, and this year I've been doing half the AS level... But I failed in both exams... Teribbly...

But I want to take Psychology at college... Do you think it would be a bad idea? Thanks :)




  1. If it's something you want to do then i say go for it.  It might be hard but if you really want ot do it, then you should be able to pull through and make it work.

  2. Soc and Psych are different subjects. If you think you would enjoy psych, take it and challenge yourself to do well. Just make sure to get help early if you have trouble.

  3. I took it is both HS and in College and depending on what level you take it could be just as hard if not harder for you, unless you are more in tune with school work and studying.  I liked the college course(s), far more interesting, they get a bit more detailed and it is different being in a lecture enviroment than in a HS classroom.  I would say try it, you can always drop the course if you feel like it is going to be too much for you.

    Good Luck

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