
Advice needed-Special Education Disabled Child hit by Escort

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Need to know what I should do.

Just before end of term my autistic child was smacked by the taxi escort. I am no longer comfortable with child being taken to school by taxi. It is too far for me to do the journey twice per day.

Prior to this I had asked that child be given a boarding place at same school, as they would be able to bring child to full potential.

There are other personal things going on as a result of having to cope, marriage breakdown etc plus sibling is suffering.

Social Services are doing nothing that I can see.

Should I get legal advice and would we be entitled to legal aid?

All professional advice welcome

Thanks in Advance





  1. I agree with Ashley.  Your LEA should point you in the right direction.  It sounds as if your child was reacting to all the stress happening in the family - but this is no excuse for anyone else to hit your child.  As from 1988 any member of teaching staff (this will include taxi escorts as they are employed by the LEA) are not permitted to strike any young person in full time education.

    Good luck and let us know how you get on.

  2. I dabbled a bit in education law but it is not my specialism.

    It does sound to me like you do have a case warranting further investigation and it would be worthwhile seeking legal advice.

    Unfortunately, there are no many education solicitors who do legal aid - you may qualify, but that will depend on your means. Some firms do offer an free initial interview to identify the issue and funding. Solicitors are professionally bound to advise clients on the availability of legal aid funding.

    The Legal Services Commission and Law Society websites should help you locate the appropriate people: &

    Try not to take the contributions of others so seriously - it is difficult when they do not know the full circumstances.

    Are there any support organisations to whom you can turn? Some local authorities do subsidise help organisations. There are also charities for autism and special needs with support networks. They can quite often recommend good solicitors.

    Hope that helps. Good luck  

  3. Most of the adults who work as escorts have no special training in working with children with complex needs. If you can prove that this person has slapped or smacked your child they can be charged.

    You can raise this as a child protection issue with your local safeguarding board and they can give you advice and support.

    You don't mention the age of your child, or where they are in terms of the spectrum.

    My own experience of getting a weekly boarding place for my (autistic) son was as follows.

    My local education authority wanted to place him in local provision for children with moderate learning difficulties. I wanted him to go to an autism-specific placement that could meet his social and academic needs through a 24 hour curriculum. We were deadlocked.

    I won out by going to social services and making the case based on the social needs of my son, his need for me to be his mother and not his teacher/physio/speech therapist/psychologist etc. the strain on my physical and mental health, and so on.

    They recognised the need and could see the benefits and so agreed to fund their percentage of a boarding place.

    Education had no choice but to agree to fund the place.

    I don't know what area you are in so I can't name organisations that may be locally based that could help you. You could try contacting the National Autistic Society as they may know what is in your area.

    I wish you well, stay strong.  

  4. Move closer to the school so he can walk.

    No child should take a taxi to school.  That is sick

  5. Why wahat had the child being doing? You don't say.

    Legal Aid for what?

    Naughty child gets a smack? If that;'s all it is then why should social services and leagal aid be involved?

  6. contact your local education authority,find who is charge of allocating taxis and get it changed.if you have proof of the smack then it becomes a police matter.It needs to be done properly to avoid a repeat,either with your child or another one

  7. God bless you and guide you.

  8. When you are receiving services that are funded with taxes (school, special education, transportation, etc.), the adult providing those services becomes a "proxy parent" for the child, so I don't think a lawyer will do you any good.  You might, however, complain to the taxi service direct and see if you can have that driver disciplined, unless of course the child was doing something that in any reasonable adult's eyes merited a smacking.  Your kid is autistic, not "stupid", so it is not impossible it was an earned smack...

  9. OMG LOL with relief........

    At last a person here who i can totally empathise with. I have a blind, autistic, almost 10 year old child. I have been through all the things you mention here. My marriage did break down. My child isn't treated very well by the guide she almost pushes him out of the black cab each night. I hate her. She is so miserable. She has a 30 year old daughter she has looked after all her life and i do not want to end up like her. I have had stand up rows with her before and the taxi driver (who now thank god has retired). She is always moaning that i take more than 2 seconds to bring my son out to the taxi. These school holidays are a blessing a nd a relief i do not have to deal with her. She really makes my life miserable. I'm sure that if you can prove your child was hit the school/transport service should have her sacked. My sons' school also has a residential unit and i have asked dozens of times about a place for him there. The reply was that i have to wait until his next review (which is in November), and as long as social services agree about the funding it shouldn't be a problem except one has to prove and justify why the schooling he receives now isn't enough. Which i am worried about.

    Have you heard of Parent Partnership? They exist here in Birmingham and work for the L.E.A advising parents of educational worries/needs. They (or the equivalent) shou;ld be your first port of call aswell as your social workers manager. With P.P involved they will sit up and listen about the guide and the rezzy school appication process et c, they will support you all the way. They kow how the system works as they work for the L.E.A but against them if you know what i mean, making sure you getr what you are entitiled to.

    Don't know about legal aid just know that it is very hard to ge these days.

    It is very hard to cope and having a disabled child can effect your life tremendously

    I have nobody

    No family it is just me, his father left years ago and wants nothing to do with our son.

    My reasons for rezzy is that i want to have the time to study and work and improve myself.

    I really feel fo you and i am here anytime you want to talk

    There is so much more i have to say as this is such an emotive close to home topic i feel a bit stuck at the moment

    I shall return later and add details

    contact me please and we can try and help each other

    Claire xx

    american.. you are sick you ignorant t**t grrrr

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