
Advice needed! What should I include in my letter?

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I am writing a letter of complaint to '3G UK' - my p**s poor internet provider. I would advise you to NEVER use this company. I have read too many bad reviews about them.

Basically, I pay £25 a month for 'UNLIMITED' internet usage. On the 20th July, my internet stopped working. I rang up '3' and spoke to their Indian call centre, I was advised that I have exceeded my internet usage??? Apparently 'Unlimited' actually means 'max 7GB' !! They advised me that I had also exceed my 'additional' usage. They explained that I have a set additional usage of £25 ON TOP of my contracted £25 a month = £50. I received no warnings to advise me I had exceeded my 7GB, nor that I had exceeded my 'additional usage'!! So I find myself with no internet whatsoever and im job seeking = not the best situation!

At that point I asked to speak to a manager. I asked him when I could use my internet again, The manager advised me that my internet usage of 7GB is re-newed on the day my direct debit is taken from my account, so the 23rd of every month! I double-checked this with him! Therefore I was of the understanding that I had to wait 3 days for my 7GB usage to be re-newed......I requested that they increased my 'additional usage' by £10. Just so I could carry on job seeking for the next 3 days. They replied that they could put a request in of £10 but it could take up to 2 working days to process.......p**s poor but i accepted this.

About a week later my internet stopped working again!! I rang 3G and was told my internet bill was, wait for it..........£125.

As you can imagine I flipped and asked to speak to their manager. I was on hold for well over 15 mins so I hung up! 30 mins later when i was on the bus to a job interview, I get a call, not the best time!

It was a manager from the Indian call centre.......i questioned why my bill was so high. He advised me that my request to increase my usage had been accepted and that it had been increased to £100!!!!!!! Told him that I NEVER asked for this and besides how on earth had I used £100 in the space of 3 days????? It then came to light that my 7GB usage infact DID NOT re-new on my direct debit day....and that it was the 4th of every month. Therefore the manager I spoke to on the 20th had completely mis-advised me. I asked the manager to check the call recordings and he will see that is what i was advised!!! He refused to do this and said i was MAKING UP STORIES. I couldnt believe it.

My argument is there is NO WAY on earth I would have let myself freely use the internet had I known that my 7GB usage was not re-newed until the 4th august. I was advised twice that it was re-newed on the 23rd July, BIG difference.

I have received my bill for £125 and i am now wanting to write a formal complaint. As the manager at the Indian call centre was the definition os USELESS.

Any advice on my letter guys???




  1. Sorry I disagree with the first Answerer ... whilst you might not have read your contract or be familiar with its terms, if you've asked a specific question of an employee you expect that they're going to give you the correct answer.

    To be honest, I would simply outline your story in a factual manner.  Write it similar to how you have done here, but use more formal language and keep it brief.  Point out that the people that you spoke with were wrong, but do not call them "useless" or slag them off in others ways.

    I would also omit the word "Indian".  It's their call centre - they're fully aware of where it's located and don't need you to tell them.  By using it in this way, it sounds like maybe you have a problem with Indian people.  This will make a big difference to the outcome -- if you're biased against someone to start with then it will look like that's the basis for your complaint now.

    Also, I would be clear on what you want to have happen.  Are you asking for a refund?  Do you not want any specific action, but just want an apology and want a reassurance that it will not happen again?  Make it clear.

  2. Before you get carried away writing letters you might want to check the original contract that you signed,

    The reason I say this is because from what you have told us the company seem to be in the right.

    Check the terms of the contract first.

  3. has loads of good advice and template letters for complaints.  

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