
Advice needed about kittens?

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For the last 3 weeks I have been raising 2 kittens, they are heathly and very playful. They have been to the vet already and are now 6 weeks old. My neighbor said she would take one for her daughter (it will help me as I already have 4 cats) anyway, I found out that this kitten would end up being a full time outside cat. He has not been outside since I took over his care (mom was killed by a car). She, my neighbor, promised her daughter to have one of the kittens. She cannot afford the pet deposit and is allergic to cats. I'm concerned that this kitten will end up hurt or dead. Currently they have two other outdoor cats that spend all their time at my place, they rarely ever venture back to their owners yard due to their dog. how can I tell her that I don't think it's the best interest of the kitten to go with them since it will be an outside cat? Up until now, I have raised it and payed for any vet procedures it has had and she has not paid anything towards it. I have no problem with her daughter coming over daily to play with him and love on him but how do you tell her mother that you don't think it's right for a kitten to be placed outside at 8-9 weeks and left out there fulltime?




  1. I'd advise her that you would want this kitten to be an indoor cat as it's much safer for the longevity of it's life.

    Since she can't promise her that you are going to try to find a more loving home -  

  2. out door cats are a nuisance.  I have fought with my neighbor repeatedly about her sick cat dropping diarrhea all over the neighborhood.  They ended up moving and leaving the cat.   Poor thing unfortunately I am feeding it now but I its been outside for so long i don't think its possible to make it a house cat !!!

  3. Because you have invested so much time and money, tell her you want indoor homes only. She sounds not responsible enough to take it. Tell her you want to recover your money and will be charging a fee. Please don't give in to her. We need to get more people who are responsible to be animal owners not ones like her. Good Luck, and thanks for helping those kittens!  

  4. First off, THANK YOU for being a caring cat owner!

    Cats do not need nor deserve to be outside. They belong inside where they were safe. If these kittens mom had been an inside cat, she wouldn't have died! You have every right to demand these kittens go to a home where they willl be loved and cherished.

    You have put a lot of money, time and love into these kittens. You have every right to screen to whom they are adopted out (unless of course you keep them for yourself lol).

    You can simply tell this woman that you don't want to add to her financial problems with the pet deposit, having a dog and 2 other cats plus her daughter. If she presses the issue simply tell her you don't believe that small kittens should be out of doors and could be easily hurt or killed.

    I'm sure these kittens will thank you for your caring and diligence in overseeing their care. I've raised several kittens who were rescued or orphaned for varying reasons and I ALWAYS screen who they will go to. And I've had to tell a few people "no" including people who are my friends. Most of those were because they were going to be outside cats.

    If she still argues, just tell here there is plenty of studies done that proves a cats life span is cut in half when they are allowed outside. An indoor only cat can expect to live into their late teens, some even into their 20's. Outdoor cats are lucky to reach 10.

    I personally thank you for the care you are giving these kittens.  

  5. I would tell a little white lie to help not cvause hard feelings . Just tell them tht all your kids have become very attached to them and wanted each of there own kitten and so you all have made a deal that If they take care of them that you will keep them and they can have them as pets .  

  6. I wouldn't say that you think it is wrong or anything that attacks her. I would just say that you wanted the kittens to go to a home where they will be indoor cats. I would not get into they why's or how you disagree with her. Just say that you want the kittens to go to indoor homes. If you already said she could have the kitten and she promised her daughter (and you said that it would be fine previously)... I don't think that it will go well. If you have not previously agreed, than she should not have promised her daughter without your agreement.

  7. I think you're definetely right about not letting them take the kitten. I think that you should just try to tell her that the kitten maybe get hurt or die if they let it be an outdoor cat. A kitten shouldn't be outside anyways! Suggest that they go to a pet store and look at some cats there? Then the daughter will get a cat/kitten, and you won't have to worry about your kitten! I know that some mom can get very upset if their child isnt happy, but its for the better. I hope this give you confidence and helps you out!

  8. Try and persuade, to keep the kitten in... It will be in danger outside. She should, keep in at all times. If you cant persuade you should keep it. x*x

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