
Advice needed for very small lump?

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I have recently discovered a pea sized hard lump on the back of my neck. It is about 1cm from the right and about an inch down from my head. Its next to the right tendon (well i think its a tendon, its where you have those two tubed shaped things at the back of your head).

Its not sore, my neck doesn't hurt and the lump has not grown since. The thing is that when i put my finger on it and move my neck around it stays in exactly the same place which makes me think that it is deep in the skin/under it.

The other thing is that when I wake up in the morning it feels bigger, but when i am up and about it goes back down. (possible fluid)

I myself feel fine.

I am scared to think what it might be (by the way i am 17 just incase that has anyting to do with it). I do plan to go to a doctor but I want to ask if anybody else has had anything similar,

Could it just be a fatty lump or a sebaceous cyst?




  1. Hi

    Good idea to go to your GP and get it checked out just to make sure, better safe than sorry :-) Book an appointment today!

    Good Luck

  2. My sister had something similar in the same place at that was just lymph node. They can come and go, rarely causing any pain at all, and are perfectly harmless.

    Get yourself to the doctor just to make sure it is nothing to worry about. The sooner the better. Good luck  

  3. Heya,

    My sweetie this could be so many things, it could be a fatty lump or a sebaceous cyst more than likely it will be. But the best thing you can do in order to put your mind at rest is see your family GP he will be able to run some tests, and see if its normal or not for you, if he has any doubts he will be able to treat you accordingly and make you feel more comfortable and get this situation sorted for you. But most likely than not it wont be to serious. How about taking someone you trust along for moral support so you dont have to go through this alone what ever it may be.

    Hope i helped and take care


  4. it could be anything from a cyst to cancer

    only a doctor can help you on this

    any lumps ,bumps or knotts should be checked out by a doctor

  5. This is something you MUST get checked out with your doctors.  It could be nothing, or it could be something.  I will not scare you, but anything like this has to be checked out.

    Please go to your GP!

  6. it could just be abit of grissle (not sure if i spelt that right) but go get it checked just incase honey

  7. It sounds like some sort of cyst that doesnt sound too serious but if i were you i would go and see your doctor just to make sure.good luck

  8. Hey, I had the exact same thing, It's a lymph node which is a gland that stores white blood cells. They typically enlarge when you're fighting an infection (cold, flu) but you might want to get checked for glandular fever, which is what i had (it makes you feel tired and impares your immunity). Go get it checked out, but don't stress, it's pretty harmless. Goodluck Sam xx

  9. I know you will get it checked out, but it sounds like a cyst to me. They run in my family and they either get really big and cause problems and burst or need minor surgery, or can be treated with antibiotics. Either way they aren't serious, just not very nice and need medical attention. Sometimes even if they pop, the actual sack that contained the fluid should be removed to prevent it from re-filling.

    Good luck! xx

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