
Advice on a 7yr old with a butt problem???

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Ok I have a 7yr old son and he always complaining that his butt itches most of the time there is nothing there but sometimes there is p**p. I don't mean like a hunk or anything but enough to make a streak in his underwear.He doesnt have to go to the bathroom and it is not like he has not wiped good enough b/c he does a good job at that Does anyone know why this might be happening and why his butt itches all the time? Thanks in advance




  1. Underwear fits tightly to the body, and the genitals and bottom have very sensitive skin.  Perhaps you should try a different brand of laundry detergent and/or fabric softener.

  2. My son had pin worms and it was horrible for the little guy.  I thought it was a "dirty child" thing but my son showers all the time and washes his hands good.  The pediatrician said he could have got it by touching something that another kid in his class had touched (faucet, fountain, toy etc.) that had it.  As soon as he had the ointment he felt tons of relief within a few days.  Its never come back.  I hope this helps and good luck!

  3. have you had him checked for pinworm? My little sister had the same complaint, and we found out that she had pinworm. It is especially prominent at night.

  4. poor guy. he definitely needs to figure out what is going on. mark down when he is complaining about it. maybe you can get a clue on why it would be itching then.

    was he sweating? allergies? new soap? does she shower each night?

    hoep he gets some relief. sd

  5. it might not be that he doesnt clean himself but rather he has sensitive skin and is allergic to the detergent/fabric softener you use.

  6. It sounds like he might have worms.     There is some over the counter medicine that's called

    Pin-X ( I think that's what it's called-if not it's close).    Anyway, even if he doesn't have them, it won't hurt him at all to take the medicine.    The pediatrician told me that he just recommends the over the counter stuff.       Matter of fact, it probably wouldn't hurt for the whole family to take some of the medicine.  

    Kids (all kids) are not very sanitary.   I mean they play in the dirt and sand and think nothing of putting their hands in their mouth or eating something.    That's how you get it, usually.    Or sleeping in a bed that someone who has them has slept in.    

    You need to be sure to wash his bedding in hot water to kill any eggs that might be in the bedding.        I would go ahead and spray down the mattress with the spray that's used for head lice .    I'm a bit over the top, I know, but be sure to wash the bedding.    

    In case it's not worms, you might buy some baby wipes to keep in the bathroom and encourage your son to use those to wipe with after a bowel movement.    Just be sure to mention that he needs to throw those in the trash instead of the toilet.

  7. Um... you might want to get him tested for pin worms. It's a common ailment among small children (who aren't the best at hand washing).

    If you want to know more:

  8. If there is enough to make a streak in his underwear, then he is not wiping thoroughly, and that will make it itch.  Get him some of those wet wipes they make for kids and tell him to use them after he's done with the paper.

  9. I went through this with my daughter from age 5-7. Turns out my husband's brother did this too. I'm sure what age he was though.

    We took my daughter to the dr. She checked her and everything was fine. I'd check to make sure she was wiping properly and yes she was. Just at times like you say with your some a little streak in the underwear.

    We were ALWAYS asking her

    if she had to go to the bathroom. Even in public she'd scratch!

    Nothing helped! She just had to out grow it.

    It was a rough time but let me assure you that you are not alone.

    First off if you haven't take him to the dr. The dr. will check for worms, hemmroids (be prepared for that, I sure wasn't. Just a small fast exam like I am sure you've had done at the OB/GYN when your dr. checks for hemmroids).

    But once the dr. gives you a clean bill of health try a few of what we tried:

    1. Remind your son each time he goes to the bathroom to wipe a few times till he sees no p**p on the toilet paper. I even went as far was wiping my daughter for awhile. That didn't help us.

    2. Ask and even check how the stools are. Are they hard? Is he straining to much when he goes causing it to maybe hurt some when he poops? If so he may hold it in more causing more problems. Talk to the dr. and try a stool softener. We did for a bit with like fiber crackers and such. Didn't help us.

    3. Remind him to wash his hands a lot. If he has to scratch tell him to go to the bathroom, do what he needs to do and wash his hands. He may make a lot of trips but if he doesn't wash his hands after scratching he can make himself sick. Twice in the 2 years we went through this my daughter threw up from what we are sure were from dirty hands. The throw up stunk something awful! So cleaning his hands and bottom is important.

    4. Once when we thought our daughter was holding in her p**p because she just didn't feel like going to the bathroom till she had a small accident someone suggested we make her clean her underware in the potty. We watched her hold her underwear in the potty and slosh it around then flush to get the extra p**p off. After a few times of doing this she learned to go when she felt the urge. No more accidents after having to clean up after herself.

    5. Be calm and patient. - I worried myself to death over this. I thought we were bad parents, something was wrong with her and so on. But she did out grow it. We had her checked twice by our doctor and listened to stories just like hers from my inlaws with one of there sons. My husband jokes how he once gave his brother "Butt Cream" for Christmas.

    I don't know why it happens and why some kids go through this. My daughter was checked for worms, hemorrhoids and other things and she was fine. (shrug) Same with my brother in law. Sounds like the same with your son too.

    They out grow it.

    Hope this helps. Your not alone. ; )

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