
Advice on a Social Curriculum for Autistic child?

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He is 7 and finishing grade 1 in his school's Special Education program. Academically he is above average but socially he has many much so that he is unable to attend the standard classroom very long during the day. I'm looking for workbooks and such we can do at home to help him fill in the gaps. Online learning is ok, except that we often loose access because of computer issues and storms so we need something else.




  1. Workbooks really isn't the best way to teach social skills.

    The best programs involve interactive role playing, modeling and practice and feedback with friends in a small controlled group. Some good materials really depend on your child's level. A behavioral approach for skill teaching is called Skillstreaming (all one word). For early elementary I like the early childhood edition because it comes with pictures and most children I work with are visual. If you really want a worksheet type program one that isn't bad is Ready to Use Social Skill Lessons and they have them for different grades. If your child is very high functioning another great resource is and the materials offered provide more of a cognitive behavioral approach for looking at social skills that is excellent if your child is high enough.

  2. I have greate admirations for austistic children, I´m not austist, and I don´t have any friend with autism. Well, autistic people have some specials skills, like the hability of get more focused on something spesific than "normal people",

    Notable individuals with autism spectrum disorders represent diverse professions such as an anthropologist, video game designer and television producer as well as artists, authors and musicians and such figures as Richard Borcherds, a Fields Medalist winner, Temple Grandin, a food animal handling systems designer and author,[45] Tim Page, a Pulitzer Prize-winning critic and author[46][47] and Vernon L. Smith, a Nobel Laureate in economics


    Lok for Social Stories Books-

    also-Write your own-

    I have gone around with a camera-takena  picture of the particualr child in various situations and added text....

    do alot of actual roleplaying-I am burrently workign with a 6 year old-where I try to do something his peers might do-and coach him on how to react...

  4. As you would already know Autistic children need routine. May be if you could get him to practise sitting for longer at home he may be able to in the class room.

    There are many books you can purchase but they are costly, the school should be able to help you with information.

    Remember the more you push a Autistic child, the less they will do. Do you have your visuals up at home (pictures and word what to do and not to do). Another way is to find out the area he likes, numbers, music what ever and use it as a tool to teach him his social skills.

    I know it is very hard and you are doing a great job.

  5. I have used the book Social Skills activities for Special Children by Denise Mannix. Here is a link-

    It provides different types of activities to focus on different areas of social skills. For a child to learn social skills, it is important for him to practice these skills with his peers. Does he have a "typical developing" sibling or cousin or do you have a friend with children who could do these activities with him? Teaching 2 or more children the activities together will give him actual social skill practice, and provide him a friend to spend time with.

  6. Role-playing is best to teach social skills. Maybe you could set up play dates with games that will focus on specific skills.

    If you have not the time them I guess work books will have to do.

    For more ideas check out the web page below. Good luck!

  7. I would list maybe two or three very specific behaviors that you want to address.  Keep your instruction very focused.   Social stories can also be very effective in some situations, not so much in others.  Without know the specific behaviors you wish to replace, it's hard to give a lot of guidance.  Remember that many autistic children do not understand verbal language well.  Written communication may be necessary to teach and/or back up what you have taught.

  8. Go to your local Teacher's Supply Story.  You can also get work books at WalMart and Target.  You can choose from reading to writing to math.  

    Good Luck

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