
Advice on a corrupt Homeowners Association (HOA)?

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Our HOA is anything but by the book. They will fine or lien certain individuals for the slightest of things, and then turn their heads when a friend is in obvious violation of a restriction.

One neighbor finally moved out due to constant abuse from the board, while I observe my neighbor breaking at least 2-3 rules regularly & hearing nothing about it (as he is friends with the HOA).

Does this type of selective enforcement nullify or weaken the deed of covenants? What actions would you recommend? I don't want to cause trouble, but I'm not part of the "In" crowd, so I'm just waiting to be fined for some B.S. activity.




  1. It is a reminder that only certain people should live in HOA communities. In some cases the problem is the HOA Board like you describe.  They are overzealous or they are overwhelmed or they are incompetent.

      There are also the people in the community who must have a 20 foot tall flagpole when the rules say 10 feet is the max; or they must paint their front door purple when the rules say beige; or they just can't stop parking in the Visitor space.

    I recommend that you run for President and change the ways things are.

  2. Go to meetings. Get involved. Be active. Get concerned tenants to run for the offices. In the worst case sue them for deriliction of duty.

  3. you should have done your homework on the HOA you moved into or HOA's in general.  

    We can all give you HOA stories but basically you have only options; stay or sell and move out

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