
Advice on crazy inlaws?

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My husband's sister lives with us & I can't stand her anymore. She is on medication for bi-polar disorder but isn't taking it. She is constantly trying to make me feel stupid and walking around with a big chip on her shoulder. She tries to act like she just knows everything about everything. I know I might sound a little immature here but it is irritating me. She always tells me how I should be raising MY children and that she knows everything about being a parent. (she has no children) she snapped at me for wiping my daughters face with a baby wipe b/c it would "break her face out" she has been my daughter for 3 years and I think I know what will or won't break her face out. She has been in hospitals for self mutilation and I don't feel comforatble with her around my children for long periods of time. She wants to babysit them now instead of daycare and I would prefer that she didn't. If I have to listen to her snooty little comments one more time I will explode. Any ideas?




  1. sdsdsdasdasdasdada

  2. I can sympathize with you. I am bipolar so I understand. Since she is not taking meds she is probably manic or hypomanic alot of the time. And yes, this means she will think she knows everything. All-knowing, objectional, moody, irritating...shall I go on?

    Does your husband know how you feel? Have you talked with him about how she constantly corrects you? You are the "woman of the house", and it sounds like she is trying to take over.

    I bet she feels like she has nothing of her own and you have the house, the children, the husband, and "the good life" (according to her brain). You have everything she would like to have, and she is jealous. When you're jealous, you belittle the other person to make yourself feel better. Add bipolar order with it's grandiose thoughts(I can do everything!, know everything!) and you get exactly how she's acting.

    Sweetie, you need to talk to your husband. I don't know if that's possible, how receptive he is. You need to talk to her and explain that this is your house, YOUR children. And you really need your husband to be there backing you up.

    But certainly Don't let her babysit your children!!!!!! A bipolar person, especially not medicated, has changing moods, and they can "SNAP" and get so fiercely upset. It's just not a good situation for the kids.

  3. Is she in grade school?  Why didn't you put this in the correct category?

  4. you need to consult a therapist, not only for her, but for you too. this type of behavior could make you resent your husbands side of the family. Second, if you don't feel that your children are safe around her, you should definitely tell her that she needs to move out. where are her parents? would they be willing to take her in?? if that doesn't work i would try to do an intervention and make her go into therapy for her disorder. she needs all the help she can get. if that doesn't work, then you could always have the court remove her as a "danger" to your children because she is on medication and refusing to take it. good luck!!

  5. If you feel uncomfortable of her being around your child I wouldn't care what my husband had to say, I would tell her to leave!!!  I'm sure your husband would understand b/c I'm sure he loves his daughter and wouldn't want anything to happen to her.  Just talk to him.

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