
Advice on driving?

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hey im 16 and ive had my license for a while now, but i just got a job and i have to drive downtown and on the interstate which i havent been on at all with merging and all that, and i mean i know what your supposed to do, but since ive never driven down there and its during lunch traffic im pretty nervous. first of all i have to merge three lanes to take an exit and any advice on how to do that during lunch time traffic before the road ends on me lol would be helpful. do i just speed up or slow down or what? sorry! im just really nervous! like ive said ive never driven on the interstate before. so yeah sorry if my question sounds dumb or whatever, i just dont want to cause a wreck or anything.




  1. its much easier to merg with traffic if you are doing about the same speed...and then it's a give and take...

  2. Check your blind spots and ask your parent to ride in the car with you. Since they have been driving a while, they will be able to point out any mistakes you can make and can give you much better advice than any of us can since we are not there.

  3. First, try driving on that stretch when there's less traffic, so you can get a feel for the distances involved.  

    In all cases, be sure to use turn signals, and don't throw your car into the lane, but rather ease into the lane slowly so others can see your intentions with enough time to react.

    Each lane change should be done in steps, that is, you signal, move, signal, move, etc.   If time/distance is an issue, keep the turn signal on until you land in the lane you want.  

    In all cases, keep your attention on the traffic in front of you as well as checking the mirrors and traffic to the side your changing lanes towards.

    As for speeding up or slowing down, that's a call you make on the fly - if slowing down is going to cause you to get rear-ended, or seriously interfere with the flow of traffic, and you can speed up w/o rear-ending someone else if they suddenly slow down while  you're checking your mirrors, then speed up.

    It's normal to be nervous during heavy lunchtime traffic, because some of those drivers will actually be eating their lunches!   Some will be eating lunch and talking on the phone and monkeying with their GPS devices all at the same time, so hopefully you won't be changing lanes in front of one of those multi-taskers!    

    Just don't let your nerves make you so timid that you freeze up.  Go with the flow, and good luck!

  4. just stay calm, make sure you check your blind spots.

  5. if the traffic is slow most likely people will let you go to the left. Also, slow down a lot don't go too fast. In addition, check your blind spots many times make sure the cars are giving you enough room and make sure your mirrors are adjusted well. I'm pretty sure that you'll be okay.

  6. Remember a couple of things:  the far left lane is for FAST traffic, pull RIGHT for emergency vehicles, check your blind spots and keep a buffer between you and the person in front.  Try and anticipate when you have to merge and move over ahead of time if possible; if you have to merge try and match your speed with the other traffic.
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