
Advice on dying hair black?

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Lately I have been very interested in dying my hair black. But i would like a little bit of advice, before i take the plunge.

Naturally, I have dirty blonde hair. About six months ago, I started dying my hair a maroonish color. I go to a professional salon where they use natural hair dye.

Is black hair dye bad for my hair?

Will i ever have the option of going back to my natural hair color?




  1. Go black. You can always bleach and than dye it to your natural color,

    AND, the sun lightens black hair FAST. than it will go to a medium brown, and you can lighten it again, :)

  2. Um I think you need to dye your hair PLATNUM blond. It just screams you! yea and then get blue contacts! and then on the first day of school wear an abricrombie mini skirt and a hollister tank top! that will look great and it just sounds like it fits ur personality!! Hope i helped!! lol. Love you Bee!

  3. dont do it!! i find that unless you have naturally very dark brunette coloured hair or if you have natural balck hair that it doesnt look all that well. some people can pullit off but most cant.

  4. Go back to your natural color. My friend dyed his hair a millions time and got addicted to it then kept on now he is literally bold no hair because of all those strong chemicals

    Do mine

  5. Black is permanent. Extremely hard to go back to your color after you dye it. If you still want your natural color and just want to experiment with it, I suggest getting a semi-permanent black hair dye job. On the other hand, I'd suggest a chocolate brown. Black would be way harsh.

    To wear black you have to have the right features too.

    I'm assuming since your natural color is dirty blonde you have a lot of delicate features that black hair would probably drown out so beware.

  6. try using one of those black hair spray cans where it comes out in the shower (like u use for halloween) this way u can get an idea.

  7. Pleaseee dont dye your hair black!!!

    ive been dying my hair black for abotu a year and now im paying £30 a time to get it stripped out because i dnt want the bleach to ruin my hair

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