
Advice on flying with 2 year old twins by myself.?

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This will be the first time my twins b/g fly. My husband will not be joining me on this trip and I have no idea how I am going to handle them. I bought CARES restraints for them for the flight and will be bring along the crayola no mess coloring books and marker. Plus I will bring snacks, diapers and wipes. The flight is from Lax to S.A. tx and will be a non stop flight. Which in total will be about 3 hours long. It will not be during their nap time, but I am hoping that since we will have to wake up extra early that by the time we get on the plane and all they will go to sleep. I am totally scared of taking them by myself. It is hard for me to handle them when I go to the grocery store I can only imagine trying to handle them in a big airport. I just bought a double umbrella stroller for them and they so far have been ok and stayed in it. The last stroller I had that I sold they just cried the whole time they had to be in it, but that was just around the time when they had learned to walk. I am just hoping that they will not do that to me at the airpot. Well if any one has and advice I could sure use it. Thanks




  1. If you can have someone come with you to the airport until you get on the plane to help watch them if they want to wander around a bit.  Also if they have a blankie or favorite stuffed animal, or buy a new toy for each of them that is appropriate for an airplane and wait until the plane takes off to give it to them.

  2. I've flown with my twins when they were 2 and I was 6 months pregnant at the time. You really should have them in a car seat, that will solve most of any issues because they will feel like they are in a car where they are already used to having to stay seated. Without car seats they will want to get up and walk around. The stroller is a good idea as well.

    Bring snacks and get them something to drink once through the gate. drinking helps with the ears popping.

    Bring a few toys and books and if you have one a portable DVD player with a movie. The movie would take up most of the flight. Someone said go extra early....NO don't do that, that's just MORE time they will have to sit and be bored. Just give yourself enough time to check in your bags and get to the gate. You really only need 90 minutes.

    good luck

  3. It will be fine if they start to act up give them extra attention and keep them sidetracked. And just try to enjoy the ride and keep it cool and stay under control. AND DON'T PANIC!

  4. My first advice is give them passion fruit juice. This is what kids in Brazil have for long journeys. I don't know why but it makes you drowsy.

    Spend sometime before you go making them into aeroplane geeks, they will get really excited when they see a real aeroplane.

    Take wheeled bags as they slot over the handles of umbrella strollers and back packs, leaving you free to push everything at once and not having to mess with luggage carts.

    Don't worry if they cry, people can just deal with it.

    Take some books that you can all look at on the flight. Lots of favourite snacks. Buy a new toy for the trip and something that doesn't have any loose bits that can go down the seats.

    Stay calm and give yourself plenty of time. If you feel yourself getting stressed stop and sit down, give them a cuddle and talk to them a lot. Try telling them where you are going and what you're doing the whole time because they will probably be a little scared themselves.

    Also don't stand in any lines, women with children are expected to have check in priority. If anyone complains just say 'No Comprende!' You don't want to be standing in line with 2 toddlers. If no one seems to serve you, just be bold, walk up to the check in desk and say 'Hi I am travelling alone with my 2 year old twins, can I check in now please'

    Enjoy it, they will find it a real thrill.

  5. I have a 2 yr. old son, and I agree with you about getting them up extra early and try to really wear them out so they'll be tired.  And one thing I do when is put an "over-night" extra absorbancy diaper on so you won't really have to change them on the plane unless they go poo-poo.  And since they are too young to chew gum, I'd recommend a nice BIG bottle (even though I'm sure they don't use them anymore). It will help pop their ears with the air pressure and it would also comfort them.  I also agree with the previous advice about having someone with you at the airport right up until you actually bored, that way when checking in and everything you can have someone keeping them company so you can handle business.  

  6. For everyone else's sake on the airplane, do NOT let them cry and scream. There is nothing more annoying on a flight than a kid who won't shut up. I know it's hard to keep kids quiet sometimes, but wear them out before they get on the plane so then they will sleep the whole time. Maybe just keep them up all night the night before, playing games with them or something. It might take a few days to get back to their normal sleep schedule, but it'll be so much easier.

  7. You need to be concerned about their ears because if the pressure bothers them they will cry.  Bubble gum is good and maybe some baby aspirin just in case.  Speak to your doctor before you leave they may have some other suggestions.  Then just let them know that you are going on the plane because you are big people, and big people do this without making noise and being bad.  Let them know this will be mommy time and you are doing something very special.  Maybe get a childrens book about airplanes that shows pictures they can relate to.

  8. Things we have done was bringing my laptop and playing movies, if you have a video ipod this works well too.

    Books, I read my son books along the way but that doesnt use up much time.

    Games, make up a game like "Eye Spy" or do the crossword puzzles and be silly with them about it.

  9. You've gotten some great suggestions so far, and that is wonderful that you have the CARES to get them buckled in safely...besides, it's a royal pain to lug one car seat, let alone two!!  What I do with my son is that I tell him he has to stay RIGHT by me, and if he doesn't he must go in the stroller.  He knows I am not kidding!  Also, when I have taken him to bigger cities I have asked to please get in the stroller because it's just too scary for mommy to have him walk along.  So far both methods have worked, but you know your kids better than anyone!

    Definitely ask for help!  I would also recommend a change of clothes for each and an extra shirt for you just in case of any spills.  I would double diaper them, that is, put a second diaper on over the first so if you do have to change them it's just a question of slipping off the inside one and fastening the outside, clean one.  

    When I travel with my son I take along a "new" toy, you can get them each a new Hot Wheel or a new small board book & that will hold there attention more than their regular favorite toys.  Remember to have some "new" stuff for the return trip!

    As far as helping them relieve the pressure in their ears, it's as easy as having them sip some water.  After you get through security go directly & purchase a bottle of water (or just fill your water bottle) so you can have it handy when they need it & not have to ask the flight attendant.  You should also be able to pre-board & that helps too.

    Don't be scared, don't be nervous, you'll do great.

    Good luck & have a safe trip!

  10. Go extra early.  If you normally go 2 hours before take-off, then go three hours. Even spending some extra time in the waiting area will be better than trying to hurry to catch your flight.

    If they're okay with the umbrella stroller, you'll be fine getting them through the terminal.  

    Don't be afraid to ask for help in getting them settled.  You might also want to see if you can get help at LAX to get them through the airport.

    My biggest concern would be getting them through security.  You might ask the TSA people to help you out ahead of time and be extra nice to them.  They're used to seeing all kinds of situations.

    I've been to the San Antonio airport and it's not a bad airport to disembark to --  not terribly big -- so worry more about the LAX situation.  

  11. you sound like you've got it mostly under control.

    i totally agree with the keeping them busy, but maybe another activity to keep them busy as well as colouring. maybe some play cards or something.

    I'm assuming due to your question your twins are around 2.

    but yes definitely keep them busy and also offer treats if they behave in the airport like "we can do some colouring on the plane and have something to eat if we behave now and get on the plane well behaved"


    talk to them before you leave about behaving as well.

    but you've practically got it covered..

    one thing, is changing one childs diaper, got anything for the other one to do whilst you do that?

    maybe a game where they hold a special toy until your done and if they manage they get a treat and the other gets a treat for having been changed.

    good luck =]

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