
Advice on going from a bottle to a sippy cup?

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I have 2 year old twin boys....and yes I know they shouldn't be on the bottle anymore. They are slightly delayed in their development due to being premature. They will drink juice from a sippy cup, but when it comes to drinking milk out of a sippy cup, they play around too much and don't want to drink it. I really want to get on this now and completely switch them over. Any suggestions at all would be very helpful. Is there hope or am I completely too late.




  1. if i were you i'd get rid of the sippy cup in the house all together.  if they are sitting at the table they should be starting to drink out of a normal cup. Tupperware makes really great tumblers for children.  they come with sippy lids but there kind of expensive. but they are great. my son was off the sippy cup in the house at 2  and he only had water in the car.  and if he wanted a drink of juice or milk he got it in the kitchen where if he spilled it was easly cleaned up.  and also when using a regular cu only put about 1/2 oz at a time.  good luck

  2. try  nest  quick chocolate milk  in the   sippy   cup  for  a  while until  they  get used to    it  

  3. You must be consistent, and only put the milk into a sippy cup, when they are thirsty they will drink out of it.

    This is what i did with my son, he is a preemie as well born 30 weeks 2lb 12oz.

    His ped. told me whatever I do, just be consistent.

    It took my son a couple days to be comfortable with it, but in the end the transition was smooth.

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