At a toddler class today, my 2-year-old son hit a little girl in his class. I proceeded to go through our routine that we do when he hits someone: tell him "no hitting; hitting hurts!", give the person he hit a gentle touch, and ask him to apologize to the other person. I do not take him aside to do this, but I also don't make a big spectacle either.
Today, he refused to apologize. He started pouting instead. When I asked him again to apologize, another mother in the group commented, "He feels bad enough - why does he have to apologize?"
I never raised my voice, but I do speak to him sternly when he hits someone. It is my feeling that it was appropriate for him to apologize because he knows by now that it is not acceptable behavior. I know many toddlers go through this stage of hitting, but I feel like I need to be consistent in my reaction when my son acts out.
Is giving an apology appropriate for a 2-year-old or was I being too harsh to call him out in front of the group?