
Advice on how NOT to cry on my wedding day!?

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I get married in 11 days and I fear I may cry when I see my groom..

Advice how how not to cry on my wedding day..

...And did you cry?




  1. I was wondering the same thing... because I don't think i'll be able to step into the church, or even leave my house without crying. it's an emotional day, a day you and your loved ones think about for a long time... I think it's ok to have those happy tears. Just don't be giddy and giggly, I think that comes off childish and immature (my cousin acted this way on the alter when she was getting married, it made everything seem like a joke!?). I'm sure my fiance will even share a few with me on our day because he is an emotional kind of guy. His best friend got married two weeks ago, and the groom cried though a lot of it... the bride didn't shed a tear! She was on the edge. We all knew through his emotions that this was the day he had been waiting for... and I'm sure it's the same for you... so, shed those good tears and let everyone around you know that this is the happiest day of your life and that you are overwhelmed with excitement, happiness, and love. Waterproof mascara is a must, and a touch up kit would be good for after ceremony pictures.  

  2. If you cry then you cry!

    Some emotion you can't control!

    Just don't be like this girl from Bridezilla!

    Watch might just give you a laugh!

  3. oh you will cry, I mean if you are going to break down and sob and not be able to talk then maybe you'll have a problem. but some tears is not a bad thing, everyone does it.  My advice: waterproof mascara!!!

  4. If you cry that's fine UNLESS you sob really loud, get hives, and ruin your gown.  I doubt you would be that emotional so your okay.

    If you are going to wear a watch fold a tissue into a triangle and put it under the band on the inside of your wrist.  

    Or depending on your bouquet you can wrap a tissue around the handle or stick a tissue in the stems closest to your body so its not visable.

    You can whip that bad boy out if things start getting bad and your hand is just not working.  :)

    Good Luck a few tears is BEAUTIFUL!!

  5. I'm not sure if 11 days takes you to Saturday August 30th or Sunday Augsut 31st.  Either way, here's the plan.

    On the Thursday before the wedding, get alone and take a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul or any other reading material or pictures that always makes you a bit weepy.  You can look through any saved emails you have with inspirational or tocuhing storeis.  A movie will work but it takes a lot longer.

    Look through the book or the pictures or whatever until you start to cry.  Once the crying starts, wallow.  Start imagining your wedding day and how you will bawl your eyes out when you see your groom.  Think of how proud your parents will be and how much you love them.  Think about how you felt when your fiance proposed.  Think about all the triggers during your wedding that will make you get emotional.  Think about the pet goldfish you had when you were six and it died.  

    Keep feeding the fire and weeping until you pretty much run out of energy for crying.  Beleive me, it WILL happen.  You will just get cried out.  When that happens, clean yourself up and get on with the day.

    Thursday will be good because it's close enough to the event so the effect will last.  It's also far enough away that the red eyes and swollen face will have a chance to get back to normal.  Wednesday would be OK too.

    If anyone asks why your face looks like you've been stung by a hive of bees, tell them the heat/humidity/flowers/whatever has triggered a histamine reaction and that it will pass soon.  In other words, lie through your teeth.

    If you feel yourself close to tears at the wedding, remind yourself that you've already had the teary emotional part and that now you want to have the smiley emotional part.

    In the end, if you cry some at your wedding, don't sweat it.  Those emotions are partly why your fiance (and your family) loves you.

  6. You should cry because it's best to let your emotions flow on such a special day as your wedding day. Holding back tears could have you holding back other emotions such as happiness, joy, excitement. Enjoy ever minute of your day! My husband and I both got choked up but didn't cry. almost. LOL.

  7. I was so tired from all of the planning and preparations for the weeks before.  Then, we had to get up early for hair, makeup and dressing.  There had been so much stress and I knew I couldn't take much more.  I was concentrating so hard on each step and what had to happen next and was so exhausted that I hardly noticed the groom.  I made it to his side without tripping over the dress, or my own feet, and simply followed the cues when it was my turn,  I didn't cry until after the wedding

  8. So what if you cry! It's an emotional it's ok!

    I did not cry.

    however, my BF got married in June and her groom was crying from the minute he saw her...made most of the guests cry too!! but everyone said it was the most beautiful and emotional ceremony they'd ever been to.

  9. Well, you can't really control this.  I mean, you could think of something completely opposite and try to take your mind off of it.  You could be extremely vain by telling yourself crying will ruin your makeup.  However, I'd just let it flow.  It's an emotional day and let things come naturally.  I actually like when the bride or groom cries.  I think it shows a lot of raw emotion, which really shows how meaningful the moment is.  

    I know I'll cry when I get married.  I cry for everything.  But, I'm just going to let it happen.  Trying to stop it is just going to make it worse.  People holding back tears always make the weirdest faces.  You don't' want to do that on your wedding day.

  10. I just cried a little on my wedding day, just kind of got misty on the serious parts.

    My youngest son, who is a big goofball - always laughing and cutting up, recently married his sweetheart who is very shy and reserved.  To everyone's amazement and amusement, she giggled all the way through the ceremony, while my son cried buckets - the whole time tears just rolled down his cheeks!

    Don't worry about crying; go ahead and cry or laugh or what ever!  Its your day, do what you want!  

  11. If there was a way to keep from balling my eyes out, believe me, I would want to know it, too!! haha. Just kidding!

    But in all seriousness, I've been to many different weddings where brides have cried a lot, cried a little, didn't cry at all.... etc.. and I must say, as a guest, the most touching weddings were the ones where the bride/groom actually showed their emotion.

    I went to one wedding about 6 or 7 years ago where the bride walked down the aisle, did the whole ceremony, and then walked back down the aisle without cracking one smile! It was awful! They actually ended up divorced within a few months... so go figure, apparently she was having second thoughts beforehand... but it was REALLY, really awkward for guests to come to her wedding to support her, and she didn't show any emotion at all.

    Keep in mind that showing emotion on such a huge event in your life is natural! Everyone will think it's "sweet" if you cry a little! Don't stress about it!!

    Shoot... I already know that at my wedding I'll be #1 crying like a little girl, and #2 bouncing up and down like a bunny rabbit with excitement! I'm not even going to try to deny it!! haha.

    You'll be just fine!! Congratulations!! :)

  12. A bride crying with happiness is a beautiful, uncensored display of emotion.  It is really rare that we ever get to see such a moment of unadulterated joy.  My vote is, if you feel like crying, go for it.  

    Quite honestly, if you feel like crying, and you fight that urge, it's likely your face is going to be weirdly contorted.  It won't look nice for pictures.  On the other hand, a genuine display of emotion will make your pictures all the more poignant.

    I didn't cry -- I was bursting with elation and was fighting the urge not to giggle.

    Happy wedding, and congrats!

  13. I have a great tip!

    Embarrassingly, I burst into tears at the slightest thing and was worried about what would happen at my wedding. I don't cry prettily like some women. My eyes swell and my nose streams...not a good look! Talking it over one day with a friend she said ' put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth as soon as you feel your eyes welling up'.... and it worked! My eyes filled up but as soon as I employed this trick they didn't spill over into tears. Try it!

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