
Advice on how to deal with child!

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i have a 12 year old child who has severe learning disabilities, she is very hyperactive and is constantly working her ticket, she hits me and smashes up things and its really starting to get too me. i need help!




  1. oh that sounds familiar. my little brother is 12 and he has a learning disability too. he's always screaming, he used to hit ppl. now he's calmer. wat helped us was that we switched his classrooms. the kids in his old class were far worse than him and he wud copy them. now he's in a different program and the change was drastic. he still has a few things here and there but it helped. wat have doctors told u?  

  2. Get her help while she's still young or it will just get worse as she gets older.

  3. go to your doctor find out what is actually wrong with her like ADHD  or autism and then find out what support its avaiable to u my friend has daughter 7 with adhd and 5 year old who has autism and she get resbite care for them they go on days out with people and weekends away just so she can have a time out xx  

  4. u need 2 take out ur belt and hit her but not 2 hard jus hard enough so dat she kno i cant do dat

  5. sue is right the best thing to do is to get her the help she needs if she has disabilities she may need medication. talk to her doctor.

  6. Congrats on your child! The thing to do is to maybe put her in time out for a while until she calms down. Try also to do the things she does with her to make her feel like you like interacting. If that doesnt work then you may have to sit her down and explain to her that she can play but she has to tone it down. The hitting means she takes you not so seriously, I would suggest putting your foot down more often. This shows her when your playing and when your not. =) GOOD LUCK!

  7. GET HER HELP, NOW!  If she's doing that stuff at that age, she could have something much worse than mere 'learning disabilities'.  She could be autistic or have asperger's, or be mildly mentally retarded.  GET HER TO A BEHAVIORAL OR CHILD SPECIALIST!  Put her on meds.  And why are you asking US what to do?  Isn't your husband the one to talk to?

  8. I think a good spanking should do the trick.  Disipline, disipline disipline.  Stand your ground and don't take it.  Your being manipulated.  Learning disabilities do not cause this behavior.  It's behavior problems that are causing it.  Hyperactivity can be helped by medication from a doctor.  But in spite of it all, you have to gain control of your child and make them learn your the boss.

  9. Firstly, if she is under a specialist, get advice and help from them, or if you have to go it alone

    make her earn priveleges,only reward good behaviour, and take away priveleges/ground her for bad behaviour, and stick by it.

    Work in hand with your partner and family. It's no good one person doing one thing, then someone else totally going against that. This young lady needs to learn that bad behaviour gets her nowhere.

    Please don't think I am branding you bad parent's. I am not. At 12 she is reaching the age where she wants to spread her wings a bit, which is allowable, providing she stays within the rules you set.

    A final resort may be contact your local police station, and see if a short shift in the cells after she has attacked you will give her the jolt to bring her back into line.

    I know nobody wants to go that far, but sometimes the only way is to go to the extreme.

    Good luck,

    Mike t.

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