I'll start from the very beginning.
When i was about 10 years old me and my mum caught my dad cheating with another women. My mum and dad split up straight away and then we found out he had actually had 7 other affairs and a baby with the lady we caught him cheating with. I fell out with my dad for around a year until we properly started talking again.
Then we met up every 5 months or so (because he moved away and works abroad).
I told him i didnt want to meet the lady but he almost pushed me into it, he invited her along when i said no and didnt tell me she was coming, with her other 2 kids and my dads kid. This was almost 7 years ago now. He does so much to hurt me, but i don't think he realises-
- i only see him 3 days a year
- says he'll give me money and doesn't
- lies to me
-doesn't call me when he's back in the UK
- when he see's us brings the other lot and completely ignores me
- skips paying money to my mum
- forced me into going to college, bribed me also and didn't even give me the money
- didn't help with costs of college which was £450
- doesn't show up when he's ment too
All of this and more. Im fed up and i emailed him the other day telling him how pissed off i was with him and he made ME feel guilty. I would rather tell him to his face but i rarely see him.. Can anyone help, i feel so **** all the time about it. also my dad earns £900 a week and says he hasnt got any money to give me. I hate him so much some times but its always me that ends up feeling guilty. please help me