
Advice on my studies for my future?

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I'm a 15 year old girl and I'm kind of worried about where I'm going with my future I know its still kind of early but I don't think that thinking ahead is such a bad Idea. I mean I'm not good at math or science but I'm not to bad in socials and english what kind of job recommendations would you give me?




  1. It's probably a bit early to be considering specific jobs. I would take different types of classes at school to figure out what you're good at and what you're interested in. Once you're comfortable with knowing what those skills and interests are, you can choose a field to go into and from there choose a specific job.

    Take advantages of the opportunities in high school (they're free!) and consider going to a community college or university after you graduate to specialize in a field, become more educated in general, and make yourself more marketable in whatever field you choose.

    You don't have to be good at math and science to excel in life, but it certainly helps if you know what your strengths and weaknesses are. You can improve in your weak areas and amplify your strengths. It's likely that any profession you choose will have at least a little of math and/or science.

    Since you are good in the "arts" it sounds like you may consider going into education, journalism, communication, or even something just people-based like social work, customer service work, or reception.

    It's never too early to think about the future and I think it's mature of you to start now. Just don't stress about it because you have time to plan and figure things out. Use your future as a motivator, not a scare tactic! :)

  2. A business major would be a possibility. Go look over career books and books concerning college majors at a store like Barnes and Noble.

    15 is young. This is a time for thinking. Maybe something will get more clear in the next couple of years. It a big decision. Just keep an open mind toward your options.  

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