
Advice on purchasing specific company shares?

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I'm interested in buying shares in companies which I have done a little research on or which I simply have a hunch will do well in the future.

I am based in the UK and do not know the first place to look to purchase shares for UK and US-based companies.

Could someone point me in the right direction to get me started?




  1. There are a number of online UK stockbrokers which charge either a fixed charge or percentage of the deal. I'm charged £7.50 per deal by:

    Other include Barclays Stockbrokers, Selftrade and Hargeaves Lansdown.

  2. Hi

    I just came across the site below and wondered what you all think of it

    Is it worth the risk?

  3. Banks like Nat west and Barclays have share brokers In the city's not towns  

    Thing is it cost about £30 a deal so if your looking to buy say £200 worth Then its 15% of your purchase

    The minimum charge was £30 too which was 1.5% if you were buying £1000 worth

  4. Here is one company to consider.

    You can buy shares in UK, US and about 10 other markets besides.  The company has very reasonable brokerage rates but they are set up for active traders and will charge you a minimal monthly fee if you do not meet their revenue requirements.  Read their requirements and fees.

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