
Advice on surviving APs?

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im going to be a senior this year and im taking APs in : literature, gov't, economics, and chemistry. i was in honors social studies and english for the past 3 years and i was in regular chemistry in 11th grade and i did reallygood in that class (avg was mid 90s). advice on how to do good in these classes? obviously study, but anythign else?

and which AP did you think was hardest if you took any? i heard chemistry has the lowest pass rate? but AP physics is much worse right?




  1. The hardest AP I took by a long shot was Computer Science AB. The test was hours and hours long, and its difficulty was compounded by the jet lag I was experiencing, having just gotten back from a cross country plane flight 2 hours before.

    That being said, AP classes are not much different from regular courses. My best advice is to keep up with the coursework, be sure to ask questions when you need to, and, since the AP exam is a big deal in May, start preparing for the exam early so you can ease your way into the test. The worst thing you can do is cram the week before like many I know have. If you do that, your excellent work in honors classes indicates that you'll do great in AP classes.

  2. I just graduated from High School. I took 11 AP's in total I started in sophomore year with World History. Then Junior year was murder for me because that was when I took Chem. Bio. Calculus BC, Statistics, Psychology, and U.S. History. In my senior year I took Spanish Language, gov't, Macro and Micro and English. I scored all of them 4 or higher. To survive them you really have to study more than what they teach you. Study on your own. I would recommend taking a book out of the library at the beginning of January and start to study from there. I did it and the results were great.I have friends who crammed and got like a 1 or 2.. Physics is pretty decent, well for me it was. You have to pay lots of attention, be able to understand or ask questions. You have to sometimes study for yourself, you have to be independent, its really hard to work with other people (I"m not saying not to) because its pretty hard to rely on them, this is you your future its your money (for tuition). Good Luck

  3. The hardest AP I took was Spanish. In general, the foreign language tests are the hardest. Chem is a breeze with a good teacher or impossible with a bad teacher.

    The key to surviving your year is you're young, you can handle staying up late when needed for large projects and the like. When test time comes, just get a good review book.

  4. I took chemistry and it was very difficult, but reading the chapter ahead of the lectures and doing many problems at the end of the chapter really helped me.  Although this was the hardest class I took, I got a 5 on the AP test by studying and doing problems throughout the year.

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