
Advice on taking a guitar to a music festival

by  |  earlier

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I am going to reading festival this summer and I want to take a guitar with me. However I am quite sentimentally attached to my guitars and I would hate it if one were to get stolen. Has anyone got any advice on what I could do?




  1. just keep a close eye on it @ all times

  2. Are you are performer or part of the audience?

  3. Unless you're on stage leave your guitar at home

  4. Blimey mate, I wouldn't risk it... unless you have it strapped on at all times it will very likely get nicked. Take a harmonica instead... xx

  5. Suggestion1)

    Forget it you are there to enjoy the music and banter afterwards, unless you can find one that you can tune  and dont mind getting smashed or stolen dont bother.

    Suggestion 2)

    Bring one and befriend someone who is working on one of the burger stands or first aid posts or similar. When you want it stashed away for safety ask them would they mind looking after it.


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