
Advice on travelling light please?

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I am going on a five day holiday to Italy in August and have no baggage allowance (i.e. only hand luggage) - does anyone have any suggestions about what I should/shouldn't take? A list of essentials would be great!




  1. Have a look at my page about clothing for an Italy vacation.

    Have a good trip!

  2. Depends on what you are doing I guess. If you want to take trainers or something to hike round cities in I would wear these on the plane. Take a couple of "bottoms" trousers, skirts whatever and a few tops that match both. Essentials like toothpaste, deodorant etc you could buy there. Hand luggage can be up to 5kg(?) so hopefully you can squeeze a fair bit in!

  3. the best packing website and has soo many tips including a thorough checklist, I use it everytime I travel!

  4. Because it's Italy I assume you're going to be wanting to dress nicely, but as it's summer at least that makes it easier to pack light!

    If you only have hand luggage, then first of all, don't take any liquids more than 50mls.  Any you do take must go in a clear plastic resealable bag.

    Assuming you're a woman, I would say take as few make-up items as you can.  Take a small tinted moisturiser, mascara, blush and an eyeshadow set. Again, make sure these are all less than 50ml each. Anything else you need (shampoo, sunscreen etc) you can buy when you get there!  

    On the plane I would wear jeans/trousers, a small jacket, a nice top (good idea if it needs ironing to wear it on the plane rather than s******g it up in your bag) and a pashmina or scarf.  That saves you packing the bulkier stuff.  

    Then pack one pair of shorts and/or a skirt, two tshirts, another light evening top and a dress you can roll up small.  Take a swimsuit if you're going to be swimming or on the beach.  Pack a pair of heels, and wear your more comfortable pair of shoes/sandals on the plane.  Don't forget your sunglasses!!

    Make sure you can alternate your tops and bottoms to create different outfits... ie. at least two tops you take should go with your skirt & with your jeans.  The pashmina/scarf can be used to update your outfit as well, and the same with other small accessories like earrings or necklaces.

    That's all I would suggest taking if you're packing light - remember, a lot of things you can buy when you get to the other end, and leave behind, so just take what you have to.  Also remember to check the weight and size of your hand luggage, as sometimes airport staff can get very strict.  A small handbag can often be allowed in addition to your on-board luggage, so be sure to check that as well!

    Have a great trip.

  5. Here goes...


    Pair of zip off trousers/ shorts

    Spare T-shirts/ shirts.

    Under wear

    Spare shorts

    Flip flops

    Put all of the above in a light bag.

    Wear a pair of zip off trousers over some shorts, a T-shirt, jumper, water proof coat. If it's hot tie stuff round your waist or carry it over your arm. After you've boarded, take off whatever necessary until you are comfy for the flight- it doesn't have to be in bags- try and get on early and get changed and luggage stowed overhead before it gets full.

    I think you can (if you are canny) get four or five outfits onto the flight. Hand luggage has a weight/ size allowance- check it and use it to it's full potential, and then wear as much as you can, to get it on board with you. Books and electrical items will be heavier than clothes, so if there is an item such as a camera or hair dryer, try not to put it in the bag- keep it in a coat pocket or something, leaving more weight allowance for the bag space free.

    Who cares if you look "slightly" overdressed when you board- the mission is to get as much stuff past check in as you can! Light layers will build up less obviously than trying to get big thick coats on board. You shouldn't need these in August in Italy anyway, it should be warm, unless you are in the mountains.

    Enjoy the trip, all the best.

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