
Advice on unclean roommates?

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I moved in with 3 other females, into a townhouse. Now, I am in no way a clean freak; in fact, I am not an overly clean person, but I do keep common areas clean, and clean my room so it does look presentable.

My roommates all had the habit of leaving dishes in the sink. I must admit, although I rarely eat there, I have left a dish or two in the sink before as well.

Well, about a month ago we saw a roach. So one of the roommates and I did a thourough cleaning of the ktichen, and left a note up saying we saw a roach and that it is important to not leave dirty dishes out overnight.

Well, one of my roommates, the laziest of all, pretty much ignored the note, and she has left dishes piling up in the sink. At first I was cleaning them, but the past week or so it has gotten so bad that she is now leaving dirty dishes with food on them on the counters. 2 nights ago I got home at 11pm and not only was the sink full of dirty dishes, the counter around it was too. Now, we have seen a roach here or there, but roaches thrive at night, and leaving dirty dishes around is about the worst thing one can do. I would rather prevent an infestation...where there is one roach, tjhere are more close by.

I was so angry I left a note on the door saying whoever keeps leaving dirty dishes in the sink is paying for the exterminator, and to clean up after themselves.

She got really upset and nasty with me, although she did clean them...this time.

How should I handle this if it starts up again? Not to mention, the living room looks like a tornado went through it too. I full believe in a roommate situation, the common areas should be kept neat for the most, I'm not against a pair of shoes being left overnight or a sweater hanging on a chair, but this room is trashed as well.




  1. This is usually a problem that all room mate situations have.  It's best to discuss basic 'household rule' when everyone moves it.  It's never too late to have a sit down to discuss this and other common area issues.

    We had the same issue and discued that in the future all dishes were not going to be washed and put in the dishwasher, but disposed of in the trash.  After a couple more times the issue stopped.

  2. You know what, I'm living with two other girl roommates as well! But we don't have any problems like that because we're all equally messy. Lol!

    Anyway, If your problem starts up again, maybe you and your other friend should talk to her, seriously and kindly, not just leave notes, to give her the idea that you guys really are serious about this. Habits are not that easy to change. So, help her along.

  3. I would move.  It's not worth it to hassle this in your own home.

  4. It appears you have two choices.  1) You can either have an exterminator come in and charge her for it.  2) You can collectively evict her, unless the lease is in her name.

    Good luck.  

  5. take the dirty dishes out of the sink and off of the counter top and put them in her bedroom, preferably on her bed.  This will start an argument, but your point will have been made for sure.

  6. You're absolutely right to be frustrated but you're being too gentle and liberal.

    When 4 people are sharing a townhouse there are no "common areas" because all of you use all of the rooms except each other's bedrooms (unless a couple of you share a bedroom).  Therefore everyone should take responsibility for cleaning up after themselves.   You are not being unreasonable.

    This is what I would do.  Schedule a group meeting.  Everyone sits down in the living room or kitchen over coffee and you all discuss what's working and what's not working.

    This way it doesn't become a one on one confrontation.  I'm sure the person who got upset knew who left the note.

    When it comes to doing dishes either everyone agrees to do their own dishes and pots and pans right after they eat or try drawing up a schedule and take turns doing kitchen cleanup.  Put the schedule on the fridge.  That way if there are dishes in the sink by morning you know who didn't their job.

    Sharing accommodations is a practical way to keep rent costs down but it can create instant enemies if some are not carrying their own weight when it comes to cleaning up after themselves especially if they have been used to round the clock maid service ( mom cleaning up after them all the time).

    You need to have ground rules or it just doesn't work.  And everyone needs to abide by those rules.

    Don't delay with the exterminator cause you're right.  Once you see one, there are probably dozen hiding.

  7. Get a dry erase board and put all of your names on it and have a list of chores, trash, vaccumming, dishes, etc. As a person does the chores have them put a check next to their name.  Once that is done have them cross their names off.  That way when it's a person's "turn" if all the dishes have added up then they'll just have to wash them themselves if they choose to let me pile up.    

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