
Advice please: If someone told you what to do and say ... how would you respond?

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Advice please: If someone told you what to do and say ... how would you respond?




  1. I would first punch them in the face.  Then I would sew them for hurting my hand at contact with his/her face.  And last I would tell them that no one can control me, because I am free.

  2. That entirley depends on whether your affaid to speak up for yourself or you have the minerals to tell that person to get stuffed i'm in control of my own mind.....

  3. That's difficult; I think I myself may have done both throughout my life.  Don't believe that anyone can really make a pretence to saying they know what to do just based on how they view themselves; and I'm talking about all the people who've answered.

    h**l, but this is all a part of normal, everyday stressful western life; why ask for advice, when you can just try as hard to come with an answer for yourself.  I mean how are they actually doing this?  Is it really that bad?  How do you honestly feel about this, and what would you rather do to help better those feelings?

  4. Forget about it and do my own thing .

  5. I would never lie, or misrepresent the facts as I know them.If they gave advice, that is one thing because advice is free, but never let people force you to say what they dictate, and never be lead to do what others tell you to do. The exception, If your parents are telling you to clean your room, obey. If they tell you not to use bad language, obey. That is a parents right. but friends are only friends and should respect your input. You can respond by saying, "I don't agree with that." and put your own thoughts on the table.

  6. I would thank them for their input then tell them that whatever you do do or say will be from your own freewill.

  7. It would depend on who it was and the reason for it.

    I would either ignore the request, or refuse point blank, depending on who asked me and why.

    I certainly wouldn't do it unless I agreed wholeheartedly with what they were trying to do.

  8. honestly?

    I would tell them to **** off

  9. My response would be:

    I am not a number, I am a free man!!

  10. "excuse me but i can voice my own opinions and do as i  please thank you very much"

    that would be my answer...

  11. No one that knew me would suggest such a thing, as I am a free spirit and make my own mind up. So it would have to be someone unconnected and I would dismiss it as a vain attempt at a joke.

    Mrs GC's response would be very tempting too....

  12. I would quote the song you don't own me . I am are my own person I can make my own decisions.

  13. depends if I asked them for help, on what to do or say, or not.

  14. I'd answer my wife politely

  15. I would listen but in the end I would do and say what I felt was right. The only time that I do as I am told is at work, where I am sometimes paid to do just that.

  16. I would tell them where to go and what to do with themselves once they arrived there. I have done so many times with upstarts.

  17. I'd tell them to "B**ger off!".  The only people I respected enough to do as they told me, was my parents, but that was a long time ago.  

    Anyone else, no way!  That's why I never joined the army!  ;)

  18. I'd ignore him, like I have done all my life.

  19. Tell them to get lost! your an idividual who does not mind some advice but not control!

  20. only to policemen and judgees

  21. I would politely say " Your advice has been taken and with be justifiably "put in the box of dictators rants where it can be of no more danger to some one like me " or tell them the to get the fuc.k out of my face with their bullshit

  22. In reference to possible tyranny then I would refer then to the section in The Constitution which states a tyrannica Gov can be dissolved and another put in place. Also to books on Witch Craft Trials like Salem but only if it were a potential witch hunt mentality situation. Then distribute circled copies of relevent areas and distribute both in Congress and in Court Houses. When it comes to a scenario where a library  has a sign in policy where you have to agree not to view obscene material even if you have no intention of such I would agree though I would not like to as as it smacks of Censorship but since  it would be the only way to view material I would do it.  The song'' Don't Tell Me What To Do and Don't Tell Me What To Say  is another indication.

  23. Do the complete opposite.

    I hate being told what to do.

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