
Advice please help??????

by  |  earlier

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OK so I'm 20 yrs old, in my 3rd year of college studying English & over the summer I met this Armenian guy for about almost 2 months. Needless to say, I thought he was a nice guy & that there might be potential until he pretty much told me that he drank, smoke, & wanted to marry me for a green card & I said no.

I told him I didn't feel the same way but I could be his friend. Then he started acting a little shady & kept making sexual innuendoes at me during our phone conversations. I told him that I wanted to wait until marriage, & that I don't drink or smoke (the smoking thing really bothered me)

My friend decided to play a prank on him & I pretended like I wanted to have phone s*x w/ him, I did it (stupidly). I think he was drunk when I was "doing it" w him because he kept laughing, it was only for about 10 mins.

The last guy I was talking to before this guy really hurt me (he didn't respect me & pretty much told me that if I didn't have s*x w/ him, he didn't want to hang out), I just wanted to end this because I really couldn't see this going anywhere & he called me twice today (I think for phone s*x again) & I told him that we were too different & on two different pages.

So what I'm asking is: did I do the right thing? I know the phone s*x prank was a little mean/confusing but he didn't respect me in the 1st place so I kind of wanted to put him in his place? Someone please help cause now I'm starting to overanalyze this.

PS-He called me 4x after I told him not to call me anymore (is that a sign?).




  1. Umm he wants residency, he will tell you the sun shines out your as*.

    If you're stupid enough to start believing him, then you deserve the hurt he will cause you.

    The phone s*x prank is fine, because he doesn't have any respect for you - so why should you treat him with any.

    Stay away from him.  

  2. Well one way to avoid talking to him on the phone is get caller ID and if you know or don't know the number don't ansawer the phone...thats'd be my advice..

  3. You know the right answer to this question don't you?  Trust your instincts...Good Luck

  4. You would have been doing the right thing if you just told him straight out he wasn't the kind of man you could see yourself with and left it at that. The whole phone s*x thing was cheap and nasty, and if he's got the wrong impression of who you are as a person, its because you did that to yourself. It is really a double standard to hold yourself to stay a virgin until marriage, and then do something that sleazy with him. It sends him the wrong message.

    Just don't accept his calls, and learn to be more mature in the future.

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