
Advice please...ongoing problem...

by  |  earlier

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Here is the problem:

I drink and do recreational drugs occasionally, I have been doing so for a very long time, and it has not changed the size of my wallet nor depleted my intelligence in any matter whatsoever....

My boyfriend also engages in these types of activities, though not to the extent that I do....HOWEVER, he seems to be bothered when I want to go party with my friends, even though I never complain about his party life....

Is it wrong for me to be frustrated about this? Isn't this an insult to my independence and freedom of choice? I have the right to not be babied by my boyfriend don't I?

I need help, every time he promises that he'll stop standing in my way, or stop trying to send me on a guilt trip, he just makes a liar out of himself and ruins my fun...

I'm beginning to think that I was better off single and free, than in a relationship and tied down.

I mean aren't best friends and lovers supposed to be the ones right next to you in the jail cell? But he persists in being the one trying to arrest me or bail me out....





  1. thanks for answering my question (charming , i wasn't expecting to get, thanks)

    you probably already tried this, but could you sometimes take him to your parties just so his insecurities go away. how much time do you guys spend together , if it's a lot like 5 or 6 days a week i can understand you wanting to be on your own at times, but it's just the weekend you get together why not go to parties together, i know most couple do that. besides his nagging are there other things not working in your relationship? if you love him, don't quit on him so soon, who's to say the next one would be any better.

    p.s > if you are already spending a lot of time together and you need the time to your self,  next time he brings up something unpleasant just tell him you don't wanna talk about things like that you already missed him throughout the party just talk about him and you.  

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